POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : Macros and other code snippets Server Time
14 Mar 2025 05:02:56 EDT (-0400)
  Macros and other code snippets (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Macros and other code snippets
Date: 25 Feb 2025 10:25:00
Message: <web.67bddfd3a1a927e0a5a6be6925979125@news.povray.org>
As part of trying to organize my thoughts and assemble a collection of useful
macros and code snippets, I made a big list in a spreadsheet, but would like to
have something that's more generally useful and easier to update / navigate.

I'm thinking about something along the lines of a directory tree that then gets
zipped, and can be either unzipped into an existing pov-ray directory tree for
or unzipped into a development folder for collaborative editing, updating with
newer versions of old macros, insert menu items, or didactic demonstrative scene
files (newer versions are added into the directory, retaining the older

No idea when I'll get everything organized and zipped, but I figured I would
alert the general readership and solicit submissions - since we're all aware how
things which ought to be archived tend to disappear.

I should probably make a folder for archived websites like Mike Williams' and
Chris Colefax's stuff.

- BE

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Macros and other code snippets
Date: 25 Feb 2025 11:45:00
Message: <web.67bdf294b511ee77a5a6be6925979125@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> As part of trying to organize my thoughts and assemble a collection of useful
> macros and code snippets, I made a big list in a spreadsheet,

Just so you know what's already on the list (some may be cryptic abbreviated

Drop-Down Insert Menu
 Wireframe shapes
 Basic scene
 Mathematical text
 Dodecahedron normals
 Icosahedron normals
 trace ()

Function graphing
Parametric mesh
Parametric mesh2
Read / Write to/from file
Isosurface Evaluate
Heightfield correcting macro
Image_map in memory from a function
Analytical Geometry include
3-point lighting
transparent background
Data structures
Vector math
Solve geometric problems
Scene layout tools
Matrix determinants
Minimum visible sphere radius
Analytical tangents between 2 circles
Numerical pigment patterns
Full-color pigment
f_Identifier - function
v_Identifier - vector quantity
s_Identifier - scalar quantity
C_Identifier - color
P_Identifier - Pigment
T_Identifier - Texture
L_Identifier - a loop variable: #for (L_Identifier, 0, 10)
Point transforms
eval_pigment ()
now ()
trace ()
macro names
Use cases
Array macros
GitHub repositories
Wiki accounts
Barycentric coordinates
Normal maps
Vector swizzling
Prism macro for 3D vectors
reflected ray macro/function
multiple result trace ()
convex hull
Trig functions
bitwise XOR
Rendering with ini files
2-pass radiosity
Monolithic include file   snip out used parts to make Scene_standalone?
Keyword examples
example scenes
camera location
point object
bicubic patch texture interpolation
no absolute zeros in pigments
Test Object
Standard render rig for comparisons
Thomas Fester posts
vector object - position + normal
Gray code
decimal to binary
Media macros
input file name
use pattern to get B&W pigment
Hilbert curves
for each macro  (thread)
jr's macros
pov earth macros
area light macro  area light setup thread
comparison of numeric values in functions
lohmueller include translations
Mike Williams function thickening

Include files
 Chris Colefax

 INVERSE KINEMATICS for necks/tentacles

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From: Leroy
Subject: Re: Macros and other code snippets
Date: 25 Feb 2025 16:45:00
Message: <web.67be38deb511ee779e2b7d74f712fc00@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> "Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> > As part of trying to organize my thoughts and assemble a collection of useful
> > macros and code snippets, I made a big list in a spreadsheet,
> Just so you know what's already on the list (some may be cryptic abbreviated
> notes):
That's a large undertaking. I get a headache just thinking about it. I just
transfer all my old POV from my XP to the new win10. It been at least a year and
I still don't have it even half way organize. The main thing I haven't tackled
is the many versions of POV (3.0 to 3.7)that I have code for. To make matters
worse I now have 3.8.
 The main problem is some of the code from the earlier versions uses tricks to
do what newer versions do more efficiently.Like the Array_function I wrote to
fake the mixed array of version 3.8. I also wrote code to fake the reflection of
light before Radiosity.

 Enough of my problems, I hope you do well in organizing things.

Have Fun!

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From: 00face
Subject: Re: Macros and other code snippets
Date: 27 Feb 2025 11:50:00
Message: <web.67c097afb511ee77bd9b8a41aef99e11@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> As part of trying to organize my thoughts and assemble a collection of useful
> macros and code snippets, I made a big list in a spreadsheet, but would like to
> have something that's more generally useful and easier to update / navigate.
> I'm thinking about something along the lines of a directory tree that then gets
> zipped, and can be either unzipped into an existing pov-ray directory tree for
> use,
> or unzipped into a development folder for collaborative editing, updating with
> newer versions of old macros, insert menu items, or didactic demonstrative scene
> files (newer versions are added into the directory, retaining the older
> versions).
> No idea when I'll get everything organized and zipped, but I figured I would
> alert the general readership and solicit submissions - since we're all aware how
> things which ought to be archived tend to disappear.
> I should probably make a folder for archived websites like Mike Williams' and
> Chris Colefax's stuff.
> - BE

Can't wait to see it :)

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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Macros and other code snippets
Date: 11 Mar 2025 09:55:00
Message: <web.67d03f92b511ee776563700825979125@news.povray.org>
"Leroy" <whe### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
Leroy: See (*)

>  The main problem is some of the code from the earlier versions uses tricks to
> do what newer versions do more efficiently.Like the Array_function I wrote to
> fake the mixed array of version 3.8. I also wrote code to fake the reflection of
> light before Radiosity.

I'm probably just going to start making directories and putting in .txt, .inc,
..pov, and zip/7z/tar.gz files

That way at least things _exist_, are collected into a directory tree, and can
be preserved - whether organized or not.

After that, I'll consider what ought to be an include file, an Insert Menu file,
or something that's more along the lines of a reference graphic or collection of
files that amount to a tutorial.

 * I don't see what you've done as a "problem" - working around old limitations
involves applying creative solutions to accomplish a task.  Those are still very
valuable examples for people to draw inspiration from.  They are not wasted
effort, and ought to be included in a POV-Ray reference library.

The most important thing is to preserve things that are useful and will be used.
Other things can be added to collection as people uncover things and submit them
for inclusion.

- BE

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