POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Optical Inertia : Re: Optical Inertia Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:41:27 EST (-0500)
  Re: Optical Inertia  
From: Francois LE COAT
Date: 29 Oct 2024 11:16:58
Message: <6720fc6a$1@news.povray.org>

Bald Eagle writes:
> Even if I were to simply use a POV-Ray scene, where I rendered two imag
es with
> different camera locations - then I'm assuming that I could calculate a
> field and a projection matrix. (something simple like cubes, spheres, a
> cylinders)
> Given The projection matrix and one of the two renders, would I then ha
ve the
> necessary and sufficient information to write a .pov scene to recreate 
> render from scratch?
> - BW

For the moment, the work with depth from monocular vision is not enough
advanced that we can recreate the visible scene. Vision with two cameras
or more, gives a much advanced result for 3D reconstruction of scenes.

Let's remind us the starting point from this thread... We've redone the
experiment from Hernan Badino, who is walking with a camera on his head:


Hernan determines his 2D ego-motion in the x-y plane, from corresponding
interest points that persist in the video stream. That means he is
calculating the projection matrix of the movement to deduce translations
in the ground plane. With time integration, it gives him the trajectory.

We're doing almost the same, but I work with OpenCV's optical-flow, and
not interest points. And my motion model is 3D, to obtain 8 parameters
in rotation and translation, that I can use in Persistence Of Vision.

I hope you're understanding... I'm reconstituting the 3D movement, and I
discover it's giving "temporal disparity", that is depth from motion.

Best regards,



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