POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited) support for PovRay SDL files Server Time
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  The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited) support for PovRay SDL files (Message 11 to 15 of 15)  
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited)suppor=
Date: 18 Jul 2024 11:14:48
Message: <66993168$1@news.povray.org>
Op 18-7-2024 om 16:32 schreef Hj. Malthaner:
> On 7/18/24 15:38, Bill Pragnell wrote:
>> Are you aware of the UberPOV fork?
>> https://github.com/UberPOV/UberPOV
> Now I am. Well, I had heard of UberPOV before but never really looked 
> into it ...
>> It's based on POV-Ray 3.7 and hasn't really seen any development for 
>> some time,
>> but one of its notable features is stochastic global illumination as an
>> extension to radiosity. I still use it quite often because I think it 
>> produces
>> much better results than the standard radiosity with almost no tweaking
>> required.
> That matches my own impression and why I wanted something with global 
> illumination while still supporting PovRay SDL. This is quite 
> interesting, thank you for the link!

Even better, 'stochastic' is also supported by version 3.8! I generally use:

+am3 +a0.01 +ac0.90 +r3

and in the radiosity block a count between 10 and 50

varying +a, +ac and +r values increases/decreases the stochastic quality 
(and render time!).

THere must be some documentation by clipka but I am unable to find it 
presently, sorry.


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From: Bill Pragnell
Subject: Re: The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited)suppor=
Date: 18 Jul 2024 13:55:00
Message: <web.669955c543d5505df642b0d6f35e431@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> Even better, 'stochastic' is also supported by version 3.8! I generally use:
> +am3 +a0.01 +ac0.90 +r3
> and in the radiosity block a count between 10 and 50
> varying +a, +ac and +r values increases/decreases the stochastic quality
> (and render time!).

Are we talking about the same thing here?

I was referring to the unbiased purely stochastic version of radiosity, which
was a significant change to the algorithm; I was under the impression that this
wouldn't end up in main POV-Ray in the form it was implemented in UberPOV. Maybe
I missed something, is this in v3.8 now, or are you referring to improvements to
sampling alone?


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with (limited)suppor=
Date: 19 Jul 2024 04:26:16
Message: <669a2328@news.povray.org>
Op 18-7-2024 om 19:49 schreef Bill Pragnell:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
>> Even better, 'stochastic' is also supported by version 3.8! I generally use:
>> +am3 +a0.01 +ac0.90 +r3
>> and in the radiosity block a count between 10 and 50
>> varying +a, +ac and +r values increases/decreases the stochastic quality
>> (and render time!).
> Are we talking about the same thing here?
> I was referring to the unbiased purely stochastic version of radiosity, which
> was a significant change to the algorithm; I was under the impression that this
> wouldn't end up in main POV-Ray in the form it was implemented in UberPOV. Maybe
> I missed something, is this in v3.8 now, or are you referring to improvements to
> sampling alone?

Ah. This I do not know for sure. I am using the 'latest' v3.8-beta2, and 
as far as I can remember, the use of the stochastic implementation there 
is identical(?) to what was implemented in UperPOV. I am afraid this is 
all I can remember from those days, back in 2014, if I am correct. Using 
+am3 automatically switches on the stochastic render and I suppose 
(wrongly maybe) that this directly influences the radiosity, but if this 
then is a [quote] unbiased purely stochastic version of radiosity 
[/quote] I do not know indeed. This would need the comment of an expert 
(Christoph Lipka! where are you?). All I know is that it works fine 
as-is, and I have been using it ever since with v3.8-beta or v3.8-beta2.

Sorry for not being able to be more specific. :-[


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with(limited)suppor=
Date: 19 Jul 2024 08:26:56
Message: <669a5b90$1@news.povray.org>
The revision.txt file for v3.8-beta2 has this about stochastic renders:

POV-Ray v3.8.0-alpha.9841009

Commit 8c1eb72b on 2018-09-17 by Christoph Lipka

     Add anti-aliasing mode 3 (port from UberPOV).

     Also add some bits of infrastructure for future optimization and better
     co-operation of various stochastic features like jittered area lights,
     jittered media sampling, subsurface light transport and the like.

Hope this helps.


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From: Bill Pragnell
Subject: Re: The Raysnail - WIP, a probability based raytracer with(limited)suppor=
Date: 19 Jul 2024 10:30:00
Message: <web.669a778958df5707f642b0d6f35e431@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> The revision.txt file for v3.8-beta2 has this about stochastic renders:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> POV-Ray v3.8.0-alpha.9841009
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Commit 8c1eb72b on 2018-09-17 by Christoph Lipka
>      Add anti-aliasing mode 3 (port from UberPOV).
>      Also add some bits of infrastructure for future optimization and better
>      co-operation of various stochastic features like jittered area lights,
>      jittered media sampling, subsurface light transport and the like.

Ah yes I think this is just the stochastic sampling, not the modified radiosity
algorithm as a whole. I'm sure it improves things considerably but I don't think
it's what I was referring to!

That said, I should probably try out 3.8 at some point and see what's new for
myself :)


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