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Thanks Trevor. :)
I _almost got it.
Still a bit hairy somewhere.
Here's what I'm trying to get to work:
#version 3.7;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}
#include "colors.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#include "rand.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "transforms.inc"
#declare Feet = 12;
#declare Phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2;
camera {
location <0*Feet, 0*Feet, -500*Feet>
look_at <0*Feet, 0*Feet, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
up y
light_source {<50*Feet, 5000*Feet, 10000*Feet> Yellow} // Sun
light_source {<-100*Feet, 50*Feet, -300*Feet> White}
sky_sphere{ pigment { gradient <0,1,0>
color_map { [0.00 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
[0.35 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]
[0.65 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]
[1.00 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
scale 2
} // end pigment
} //end skysphere
#declare DrawingScale = 8*Feet / 25;
#declare ArcHeight = 18*DrawingScale; // measured 18 mm on drawing
#declare ArcLength = 170*DrawingScale; // measured 17 cm (170 mm) on drawing
#declare GlobeRadius = (pow(ArcHeight,2) + pow(ArcLength,2)) / (2*ArcHeight);
#declare Scale = GlobeRadius/Phi; // radius of sphere
#debug concat( " GlobeRadius = ", str(Scale/12, 3, 2), " feet \n")
#declare TwentyHedron = array [12] {
<0, Phi, -1>, // Top front 0
<0, Phi, 1>, // Top Rear 1
<-Phi, 1, 0>, // Left Top 2
<-Phi, -1, 0>, // Left bottom 3
<Phi, 1, 0>, // Right top 4
<Phi, -1, 0>, // Right bottom 5
<-1, 0, -Phi>, // Front left 6
< 1, 0, -Phi>, // Front Right 7
<-1. 0, Phi>, // Rear left 8
< 1, 0, Phi>, // Rear right 9
<0, -Phi, -1>, // bottom front 10
<0, -Phi, 1>, // bottom rear 11
#declare IcosahedralArray = array [20][3] {
//front top cap
{TwentyHedron[ 0], TwentyHedron[ 4], TwentyHedron[ 1]}, // 1
{TwentyHedron[ 0], TwentyHedron[ 7], TwentyHedron[ 4]}, // / \
{TwentyHedron[ 0], TwentyHedron[ 6], TwentyHedron[ 7]}, // 2 0 4
{TwentyHedron[ 0], TwentyHedron[ 2], TwentyHedron[ 6]}, // \ /
{TwentyHedron[ 0], TwentyHedron[ 1], TwentyHedron[ 2]}, // 6---7
// middle belt
{TwentyHedron[ 1], TwentyHedron[ 9], TwentyHedron[ 8]},
{TwentyHedron[ 1], TwentyHedron[ 4], TwentyHedron[ 9]},
{TwentyHedron[ 4], TwentyHedron[ 5], TwentyHedron[ 9]},
{TwentyHedron[ 4], TwentyHedron[ 7], TwentyHedron[ 5]}, //
{TwentyHedron[ 7], TwentyHedron[10], TwentyHedron[ 5]}, // / \ / \ /
\ / \ / \ /
{TwentyHedron[ 7], TwentyHedron[ 6], TwentyHedron[10]}, //
{TwentyHedron[ 6], TwentyHedron[ 3], TwentyHedron[10]},
{TwentyHedron[ 6], TwentyHedron[ 2], TwentyHedron[ 3]},
{TwentyHedron[ 2], TwentyHedron[ 8], TwentyHedron[ 3]},
{TwentyHedron[ 2], TwentyHedron[ 1], TwentyHedron[ 8]},
//rear bottom cap
{TwentyHedron[11], TwentyHedron[ 8], TwentyHedron[ 9]}, // 8---9
{TwentyHedron[11], TwentyHedron[ 9], TwentyHedron[ 5]}, // / \
{TwentyHedron[11], TwentyHedron[ 5], TwentyHedron[10]}, // 3 11
{TwentyHedron[11], TwentyHedron[10], TwentyHedron[ 3]}, // \ /
{TwentyHedron[11], TwentyHedron[ 3], TwentyHedron[ 8]} // 10
#macro Subdivision (BasisArray, Iterations)
// Subdivision of triangles
#for (Subdivide, 1, Iterations)
#local BasisNumber = dimension_size (BasisArray, 1);
#local ExpandedArray = array [4 * BasisNumber][3];
//#debug "------------\n"
#for (BasisTriangle, 0, BasisNumber-1)
// Subdivision scheme for triangles
// 1
// / \
// A___B
// / \ / \
// 0___C___2
#local Vertex_A = vnormalize(
(BasisArray[BasisTriangle][0]+BasisArray[BasisTriangle][1])/2 );
#local Vertex_B = vnormalize(
(BasisArray[BasisTriangle][1]+BasisArray[BasisTriangle][2])/2 );
#local Vertex_C = vnormalize(
(BasisArray[BasisTriangle][2]+BasisArray[BasisTriangle][0])/2 );
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+0][0] =
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+0][1] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+0][1] = Vertex_A;
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+0][2] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+0][2] = Vertex_C;
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+1][0] =
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+1][1] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+1][1] = Vertex_B;
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+1][2] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+1][2] = Vertex_A;
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+2][0] =
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+2][1] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+2][1] = Vertex_C;
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+2][2] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+2][2] = Vertex_B;
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+3][0] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+3][0] = Vertex_A;
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+3][1] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+3][1] = Vertex_B;
//#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+3][2] =
#local ExpandedArray [(4*BasisTriangle)+3][2] = Vertex_C;
#debug concat( "Vertex 0 = ", vstr(3, BasisArray[BasisTriangle][0], ", ", 3,
3), " \n")
#debug concat( "Vertex 1 = ", vstr(3, BasisArray[BasisTriangle][1], ", ", 3,
3), " \n")
#debug concat( "Vertex 2 = ", vstr(3, BasisArray[BasisTriangle][2], ", ", 3,
3), " \n")
#debug concat( "Vertex A = ", vstr(3, Vertex_A, ", ", 3, 3), " \n")
#debug concat( "Vertex B = ", vstr(3, Vertex_B, ", ", 3, 3), " \n")
#debug concat( "Vertex C = ", vstr(3, Vertex_C, ", ", 3, 3), " \n")
#debug "------------\n\n"
#end // end for BasisTriangle
#local BasisArray = ExpandedArray;
#end // end for Subdivide
#end // end macro subdivision
// Build Globe for Scene
#declare Globe_Array = Subdivision (IcosahedralArray, 4) // <=================
perform expansion of icosahedraal basis array
#declare ExpandedNumber = dimension_size (Globe_Array, 1);
#for (Side, 0, ExpandedNumber-1)
#for (Vertex, 0, 2)
#declare Globe_Array[Side][Vertex] = Globe_Array[Side][Vertex] * Scale;
#end // end for Vertex
#end // end for Side
#declare Strut = 5;
#declare GlobeColor = pigment {Green*0.5}
// Cylinder Mesh (as guide) and Struts
#declare MeshSphere_1 =
union {
#declare LastVertex = <0, 0, 0>;
#for (Side, 0, ExpandedNumber-1)
#for (Vertex, 0, 2)
#declare ThisVertex = Globe_Array[Side][Vertex];
//#debug concat( "Vertex = ", vstr(3, ExpandedArray[Side][Vertex], ", ", 3,
3), " \n")
#if (Vertex > 0)
cylinder {LastVertex, ThisVertex, Strut/4 texture {pigment {GlobeColor}
finish {specular 0.8}} }
#declare CurrentVector = (ThisVertex - LastVertex);
// #declare Vec = Point2 - Point1; //Direction vector to orient to
#declare Vec = (ThisVertex - LastVertex);
#declare StrutLength = vlength(CurrentVector); //LENGTH OF BOX
//Twist rotates the box around the long axis first
#declare Twist = 0;
//RotZ and RotY reoorient the box to align to the vector
#if (StrutLength = 0 | Vec.x = 0 | Vec.z = 0)
// do nothing
#declare RotZ = degrees(atan2(Vec.y, vlength(<Vec.x, 0, Vec.z>)));
#declare RotY = degrees(atan2(Vec.z, Vec.x));
#declare IBeam = union {
box {<0, -Strut, -Strut/3>, <StrutLength, -Strut*0.9, Strut/3>}
box {<0, -Strut, -Strut/2>, <StrutLength, Strut, Strut/2>}
box {<0, Strut, -Strut/3>, <StrutLength, Strut*0.9, Strut/3>}
pigment {Red*0.5}
} // end IBeam
// sphere {Point1 0.5 pigment {Orange*0.5} }
// sphere {Point2 0.5 pigment {Violet*0.5} }
#declare NewIBeam = object {IBeam
rotate Twist*x
rotate RotZ*z
rotate RotY*y
object {NewIBeam translate ThisVertex}
#end // end if (atan2 check)
#end // end if (past 1st triangle point)
#declare LastVertex = ThisVertex;
#end // end for Vertex
cylinder {LastVertex, Globe_Array[Side][0], Strut/4 texture {pigment
{GlobeColor} finish {specular 0.8}} }
#declare CurrentVector = (Globe_Array[Side][0] - LastVertex);
// #declare Vec = Point2 - Point1; //Direction vector to orient to
#declare Vec = (ThisVertex - LastVertex);
#declare StrutLength = vlength(CurrentVector); //LENGTH OF BOX
//Twist rotates the box around the long axis first
#declare Twist = 0;
//RotZ and RotY reoorient the box to align to the vector
#if (StrutLength = 0 | Vec.x = 0 | Vec.z = 0)
// do nothing
#declare RotZ = degrees(atan2(Vec.y, vlength(<Vec.x, 0, Vec.z>)));
#declare RotY = degrees(atan2(Vec.z, Vec.x));
#declare IBeam = union {
box {<0, -Strut, -Strut/3>, <StrutLength, -Strut*0.9, Strut/3>}
box {<0, -Strut, -Strut/2>, <StrutLength, Strut, Strut/2>}
box {<0, Strut, -Strut/3>, <StrutLength, Strut*0.9, Strut/3>}
pigment {Red*0.6}
} // end IBeam
// sphere {Point1 0.5 pigment {Orange*0.5} }
// sphere {Point2 0.5 pigment {Violet*0.5} }
#declare NewIBeam = object {IBeam
rotate Twist*x
rotate RotZ*z
rotate RotY*y
object {NewIBeam translate ThisVertex}
#end // end if (atan2 check)
#end // end for Side
} // end union MeshSphere_1
#declare Globe = union {
object {MeshSphere_1} // Struts
#declare Axes = 12;
cylinder {<0, 0, 0>, <200*Feet, 0, 0> Axes pigment {Red*0.5}}
cylinder {<0, 0, 0>, <0, 200*Feet, 0> Axes pigment {Green*0.5}}
cylinder {<0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 200*Feet> Axes pigment {Blue*0.5}}
object {Globe}
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