I have POV 3.02 and win 98. My PC has an ATI video card and 256MB of
ram. When I render a certain scene POV crashes most of the time with an
Invalid Page Fault in PVENGINE.EXE at 017f:something. Is this a bug?
How can I fix this? Here is the scene I'm doing.
#version 3
#include "colors.inc"
{assumed_gamma 1.0
#default {texture {pigment { color Red } } };
// ----------------------------------------
{ location <0.0, 1.5, -6.0>
direction 1.5*z
right 4/3*x
look_at <0.0, 1.5, 6.0>
{ pigment
{ gradient y
color_map { [0.0 color blue 0.6] [1.0 color rgb 1] }
{ 0*x // light's position (translated below)
color red 1.0 green 1.0 blue 1.0 // light's color
translate <-10, 20, 20>
// ----------------------------------------
#declare earth_z = 60; //earth pos on z axis
#declare ast_z = -30;
#declare moon_z = -1;
box {-0.5, 0.5 // a unit sized box used for background image
{ pigment
{ image_map { sys "galaxy.bmp"
//interpolate 2
translate -0.5 // center the image to the box
scale <50,50,50> //make it bigger
translate <5,0,earth_z+10>
{<0,0,0> 1
texture { pigment
{ image_map
{ sys "earthmap.bmp" // supports gif, tga, png, sys (bmp)
map_type 1 // 1=spherical mapping
//interpolate 2 // smooth it
rotate<0,0,180> //rotate on Y axis over n frames
} //pigment
finish {ambient 0.3}
} //texture
translate <0,0,earth_z>
{<0,0,0> .5
texture { pigment
{ image_map
{ sys "moonmap.bmp" // supports gif, tga, png, sys (bmp, use OS2
map_type 1 // 1=spherical mapping
interpolate 2 // smooth it
// transform it to unit-size (-1 to +1)
rotate <0,180,180>
finish {ambient 0.3}
translate <2,0,moon_z> // center on the origin
// create a smooth blobby shape
#declare StrengthVal = 1.0 // (+ or -) strength of component's radiating
#declare RadiusVal = 1.0 // (0 < RadiusVal) outer sphere of influence
on other components
// threshold (0.0 < threshold <= StrengthVal) surface falloff
threshold #
threshold 0.6
sphere { < 0.20, 0, 0>, StrengthVal, RadiusVal }
sphere { <-0.375, 0.25, 0>, StrengthVal, RadiusVal }
// [sturm]
scale 2
texture { pigment { DarkBrown }
// texture pigment/normal pattern
normal { crackle 0.8 turbulence 0.8 }
translate <1,-2,0>
scale .5
/*#include "c:\chuck\zip\pov\rock.inc"
texture {pigment {color DarkBrown }
normal { crackle 0.8 turbulence 0.8 }
translate <3.50,0,10>
#include "c:\chuck\zip\pov\rock2.inc" //a large mesh
texture {pigment {color DarkBrown }
normal { crackle 0.8 turbulence 0.8 }
translate <6.50,0,10>
#include "c:\chuck\zip\pov\rock3.inc" // a mesh with lots of triangles
texture {pigment {color DarkBrown }}
translate <3.50,-4.5,10>
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Chuck Roberts wrote:
> First, I wanted POV 3.02 to be compatible with so many other scenes out
> there. Pov 3.1 doesn't support 'halo' and uses 'material' for textures.
> Second, when I comment out the box, it works fine and I don't get an
> IPF.
> Thank you Ken.
Try changing your .bmp file to a .tga and use the code below. I tried to get
any .bmp file to work with my install of Pov v3.01r1 and could not get it to
accept it. Once I changed to .tga I had no problems. By the way if you are
concerned with backward compatibility you can install the newer version of
Pov into a different directory and run both versions. I have about 6 different
Pov versions and patches all running somewhat harmoniously together on my
system. There are some registry issues to contend with but they are not
#declare earth_z = 60; //earth pos on z axis
#declare ast_z = -30;
#declare moon_z = -1;
box {-0.5, 0.5 // a unit sized box used for background image
{ pigment
{ image_map { tga "galaxy.tga"
//interpolate 2
translate -0.5 // center the image to the box
scale <50,50,50> //make it bigger
translate <5,0,earth_z+10>
Ken Tyler
See my 850+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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Chuck Roberts <rob### [at] accn org> wrote:
: First, I wanted POV 3.02 to be compatible with so many other scenes out
: there. Pov 3.1 doesn't support 'halo' and uses 'material' for textures.
You speak like the keyword 'texture' in pov 3.0 has been replaced with
the keyword 'material' in 3.1. This isn't true, of course.
Moving all the ior-statement into the interior-block is not that tedious.
With pov 3.1 you get lots of advantages, like macros, faster lathes and
sors, etc.
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