Mr schrieb:
> Have you had a look at OSL ?
> http://code.google.com/p/openshadinglanguage
> Would it be comparable to POV and has it been considered for POV-Ray 4 embedded
> language or is the current Python like new syntax project simply more user
> friendly or better suited to POV feature set?
What "Python like new syntax project"?
So far, individual people have, in povray.pov4.discussion.general, (a)
suggested design principles for a new POV-Ray 4 SDL, (b) proposed
various different existing languages as new POV-Ray 4 SDL (yes, I think
python was mentioned in such a context, too), and/or (c) some more or
less concrete proposals for an actual new language.
So far, nothing has come out of it that comes anywhere close to
deserving to be called a "project", let alone anything officially
endorsed by the dev team.
OSL hasn't been mentioned yet (though support for "a shader language"
was mentioned as a desired feature by some).
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Mr schrieb:
> Have you had a look at OSL ?
> http://code.google.com/p/openshadinglanguage
> Would it be comparable to POV and has it been considered for POV-Ray 4 embedded
> language or is the current Python like new syntax project simply more user
> friendly or better suited to POV feature set?
I just skimmed over the intro; judging from that, I'd say it should
indeed be compatible with POV-Ray's architecture (and licensing model),
so it might be worthwile considering OSL support as a feature for POV-Ray 4.
Note however that OSL only addresses what POV-Ray puts into the
material{} statement, so a separate language is still needed for object
definition - and I'd advocate using OSL only as an alternative to some
simpler material-definitions with roughly the feature(s), expressiveness
and verbosity of POV-Ray 3.x's material{} statement.
Looks like OSL would be a kind of swiss army knife for material
definitions - but when all you need is a decent pair of scissors, the
swiss army knife's implementation of said tool would probably not be
your first choice ;-)
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