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I am working on an "airplane" view of my father's farm yard. I am going to
do 3 views... from the 50's 70's & 90's. I have figured out how to write
macros to do the buildings. I do not have contoured land but the farm is
pretty flat so I can live with that for now. Textures seem to work for the
grass, dirt & gravel areas. I would like to add some trees to the yard. The
view is from about 400 - 600 feet in the air so I do not need really
detailed trees. I would like poplars, spruce, maple, lilac, elm, apple types
of trees. Is there something available that would work in the situation?
Next stop after this is the machinery...
Chris Poole
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Chris Poole wrote:
> Hi
> I am working on an "airplane" view of my father's farm yard. I am going to
> do 3 views... from the 50's 70's & 90's. I have figured out how to write
> macros to do the buildings. I do not have contoured land but the farm is
> pretty flat so I can live with that for now. Textures seem to work for the
> grass, dirt & gravel areas. I would like to add some trees to the yard. The
> view is from about 400 - 600 feet in the air so I do not need really
> detailed trees. I would like poplars, spruce, maple, lilac, elm, apple types
> of trees. Is there something available that would work in the situation?
> Next stop after this is the machinery...
> Thanks...
> Chris Poole
Maybe - http://cuyana.rangenet.com/dwa/povindex.html
Ken Tyler
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If you are far enough, a suitable crown (sphere to start with) plus a
suitable trunk (cylinder to start with) plus appropriate textures are good
enough. The key is the effect of having a lot of them around, all slightly
different in height, shape and texture (memory intensive, yes!). I tried
isosurfaces creating striking trees even seen from quite near. An advice:
look in past IRTC competition postings, you will find great ideas (e.g. look
for Robert Becraft "rocofait").
If I find time, I will release on my site something upon this subject.
Alessandro Coppo
a.c### [at] iol it
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For some architectural "work" I have done, I have used a multiple-polygon
"tree". In it, I used an image map on a polygon, with (of course) transparency.
The image was just a quick-and-dirty panel of a tree trunk, some branches, and
cloudy "leaves" around the edges. I did it in about 2-3 minutes in Windows
Paint (Yuck! - I know).
I put this image on a polygon, then used about 6 of the polygons rotated around
the center, and stuck them in the landsaping.
Since the image was not symetrical, it actually came out looking pretty good,
both from a height, and from a couple hundred "feet" away at ground level.
I would be happy to E-Mail you the .gif and a simple test scene file for the
tree, if interested.
Randy Hawley
Chris Poole wrote:
> Hi
> I am working on an "airplane" view of my father's farm yard. I am going to
> do 3 views... from the 50's 70's & 90's. I have figured out how to write
> macros to do the buildings. I do not have contoured land but the farm is
> pretty flat so I can live with that for now. Textures seem to work for the
> grass, dirt & gravel areas. I would like to add some trees to the yard. The
> view is from about 400 - 600 feet in the air so I do not need really
> detailed trees. I would like poplars, spruce, maple, lilac, elm, apple types
> of trees. Is there something available that would work in the situation?
> Next stop after this is the machinery...
> Thanks...
> Chris Poole
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This page might be of interest to you:
Go to The Genesis Toolkit page and near the bottom of the page download The
Vegetation Package (veg.inc). I haven't tried it myself yet, but it looks
very useful.
\ Include files, tutorials, 3D images, raytracing jokes,
/ The POV Desktop Theme, and The POV-Ray Logo Contest can
\ all be found at http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk (updated March 29)
/ Also visit http://www.povrayusers.org
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It might be overkill, but you could try Tomtree...
I've never yet seen a better tree generator.
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