I have a mesh2 object where I defined all the vertex normals to be the same
regardless of the original face orientation. I expect this mesh to be
rendered with a constant color sice all its normals are in the same
direction. But when the mesh is rendered in POV-Ray the face orientation
still affects the appearence of the surface. Maybe it has to do with the
way POV-Ray does the rendering. Is there a way to force POV-Ray to not take
into account the real face orientation and use the normals only?
In fact if I remove the normal_vectors and normal_indices sections from the
mesh2 statement I get no change in the rendered image. Is like POV-Ray does
not take into account the normals at all if they are defined this way.
I am using POV-Ray 3.5 on Windows 98
thanks for any information on this,
Below is a small sample POV code with 4 faces as seen from the top to
illustrate the issue.
camera {perspective
up <0,1,0>
right <-1.310938,0,0>
location <-1.800633,-0.1000352,19.58355>
look_at <-1.800633,-0.1000352,18.58355>
angle 54.4521 // horizontal FOV angle
translate <1.4725,0,-2.579> }
//single light
light_source {<-1.800633,-0.1000352,19.58355>
color rgb <1,1,1> parallel
point_at <-1.800633,-0.1000352,0>}
normal_vectors{ 6, //all the same vectors
texture_list{1, texture{pigment {color rgb <1,1,1>} }}
<1,4,2>,0, <2,5,0>,0, <0,1,2>,0, <0,3,1>,0
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