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This is the statement I am trying to use;
#declare COLOR_7 = texture
sys "f:\vgap\scout\alum_808.bmp"
ambient 0.1
brilliance 3.0
phong 1.0
phong_size 10.0
metallic 1.0
rotate -90.0 * x
I'm getting an error "Object or direction expected; but, 'rotate'
found in stead"
I think I'm missing a " { ", but, I'm not sure where it goes.
Also is there a way to tell the 3.1 windows version to output to
something other then bmp? jpg would be prefered.
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Remove the brace just before the rotate. You have too many actually.
No Jpeg output possible, sorry; considered lossy, ergo, no good. You can
use the INI button then put +FN in the command-line to get a PNG file, +FT
to get a Targa.
Or edit your povray.ini file (use Tools menu, Edit Master INI) then add a
line saying:
N, T are the popular ones. Have a look at the Scene help and look up that
Output_File_Type for others.
Bob H.
"Chris Olin" <cho### [at] ix netcom com> wrote in message
news:3B3### [at] ix netcom com...
> Also is there a way to tell the 3.1 windows version to output to
> something other then bmp? jpg would be prefered.
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I guess I need some find something that can convert bmp to jpg or gif. If I
ever get this to work right i will be posting someof the results on my web
server (this is a project with an agenda).
Something i forgot to ask; where/how would I insert a scale, and offset
seting, I'll proably need to asjust those to get the results I need.
> Remove the brace just before the rotate. You have too many actually.
> No Jpeg output possible, sorry; considered lossy, ergo, no good. You can
> use the INI button then put +FN in the command-line to get a PNG file, +FT
> to get a Targa.
> Or edit your povray.ini file (use Tools menu, Edit Master INI) then add a
> line saying:
> Output_File_Type=N
> N, T are the popular ones. Have a look at the Scene help and look up that
> Output_File_Type for others.
> Bob H.
> "Chris Olin" <cho### [at] ix netcom com> wrote in message
> news:3B3### [at] ix netcom com...
> >
> > Also is there a way to tell the 3.1 windows version to output to
> > something other then bmp? jpg would be prefered.
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"Chris Olin" <cho### [at] ix netcom com> wrote in message
> I guess I need some find something that can convert bmp to jpg or gif.
If I
> ever get this to work right i will be posting someof the results on my web
> server (this is a project with an agenda).
> Something i forgot to ask; where/how would I insert a scale, and offset
> seting, I'll proably need to asjust those to get the results I need.
See below:
#declare COLOR_7 = texture
sys "f:\vgap\scout\alum_808.bmp"
ambient 0.1
brilliance 3.0
phong 1.0
phong_size 10.0
metallic 1.0
rotate -90.0 * x
translate <-0.5,0,-0.5> // This will centre the bitmap on the origin (it
defaults to <0,0,0>,<1,1,0>)
scale 10 // or scale <10,0,34> etc
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> I guess I need some find something that can convert bmp to jpg or
gif. If I
> ever get this to work right i will be posting someof the results on my
> server (this is a project with an agenda).
I guess there are many others, but XnView does a good job at converting
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sacrofts wrote:
> > I guess I need some find something that can convert bmp to jpg or gif. If I
> > ever get this to work right i will be posting someof the results on my web
> > server (this is a project with an agenda).
> I guess there are many others, but XnView does a good job at converting formats
> http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pierre.g/index.html
> Steve
Never heard of that image viewer I am downloading it now. I always use
The Gimp www.gimp.org for my file conversions. I really like how it
helps you tune the jpg quality settings rather than guess, and check.
Plus it does more than I ever wanted to do when it comes to image
Dan Johnson
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