POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : pass_through Server Time
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  pass_through (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: pass_through
Date: 25 Aug 2013 08:47:29
Message: <5219fce1@news.povray.org>
This keyword appears to be missing in the index (3.7 RC7 Windows help).

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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: pass_through
Date: 25 Aug 2013 10:49:48
Message: <521a198c$1@news.povray.org>
On 08/25/2013 08:47 AM, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> This keyword appears to be missing in the index (3.7 RC7 Windows help).

I see the appropriate indexintery tag: {{#indexentry:photons, 
pass_through}} at the beginning of the paragraph that starts talking 
about pass_through:


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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: pass_through
Date: 25 Aug 2013 19:08:59
Message: <521a8e8b$1@news.povray.org>
James Holsenback wrote:

> I see the appropriate indexintery tag: {{#indexentry:photons, 
> pass_through}} at the beginning of the paragraph that starts talking 
> about pass_through:

you are right, this helped me find it in the index, it is included
as a sub-entry of photons. However, it seems that sub-entries are not
located when typing into the "Type in the keyword to find" box. This
makes it hard to find the correct entry looking for something specific,
and is probably the reason why many entries appear in pairs like

{{#indexentry:pattern, agate}}
{{#indexentry:agate, pattern}}

The first one ensures that you find a list of patterns under
the index entry for pattern, the second one allows you to find
information about agate when looking for that.

Of course, this looks a bit redundant and cumbersome. Maybe the
script that generates the manual from wiki could be adapted to
automatically "mirror" all entry-subentry items?

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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: pass_through
Date: 26 Aug 2013 08:06:14
Message: <521b44b6$1@news.povray.org>
On 08/25/2013 07:08 PM, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> James Holsenback wrote:
>> I see the appropriate indexintery tag: {{#indexentry:photons,
>> pass_through}} at the beginning of the paragraph that starts talking
>> about pass_through:
> you are right, this helped me find it in the index, it is included
> as a sub-entry of photons. However, it seems that sub-entries are not
> located when typing into the "Type in the keyword to find" box. This
> makes it hard to find the correct entry looking for something specific,
> and is probably the reason why many entries appear in pairs like
> {{#indexentry:pattern, agate}}
> {{#indexentry:agate, pattern}}
> The first one ensures that you find a list of patterns under
> the index entry for pattern, the second one allows you to find
> information about agate when looking for that.
> Of course, this looks a bit redundant and cumbersome. Maybe the
> script that generates the manual from wiki could be adapted to
> automatically "mirror" all entry-subentry items?

OK .. looked right past sub-entry portion of that tag!

Since windows version is only platform that has search-able index, that 
is done as a post process of the information that I pull from the wiki 
and pass on to Chris. I /was/ asked to do this on my end, and at the 
time I declined. Since then we've had a number of users point out some 
problems with the results. Given his (Chris) workload I doubt it will be 
addressed any time soon. Perhaps I /should/ re-think my position. LOL 
... I /may/ be the best chance of making that happen. Here's what I'm 
going to do in the short term ... I'll add (don't want to replace 
current entries) pass_through as a non sub-entry type tag

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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: pass_through
Date: 28 Aug 2013 18:12:51
Message: <521e75e3@news.povray.org>
James Holsenback wrote:

> I'll add pass_through as a non sub-entry type tag

note that the same issue applies to most (all?) current
subentries of photons (adc_bailout, autostop, collect,
dispersion, expand_threhsolds, gather, jitter, load_file,
max_trace_level, media, pass_through, radius, save_file,
spacing, spacing_multiplier, target).

Some of the above do appear top-level in the index but from
another context (and without photons subentry), e.g. max_trace_level
and adc_bailout.

Also I wonder if those are all keywords and if they should
then all appear as subentries under "keywords".

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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: pass_through
Date: 29 Aug 2013 09:56:26
Message: <521f530a$1@news.povray.org>
On 08/28/2013 06:12 PM, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> James Holsenback wrote:
>> I'll add pass_through as a non sub-entry type tag
> note that the same issue applies to most (all?) current
> subentries of photons (adc_bailout, autostop, collect,
> dispersion, expand_threhsolds, gather, jitter, load_file,
> max_trace_level, media, pass_through, radius, save_file,
> spacing, spacing_multiplier, target).

I /did/ get the others on the same page that pass_through appeared:

will give it an honest effort to pick up the others ... i'm waiting on 
other changes and i'll have to re-gen docs sets for 3.7.0 release anyways

> Also I wonder if those are all keywords and if they should
> then all appear as subentries under "keywords".

sorry ... requires more time that what i have. noted for future repair 
is the best i can do for now.

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