POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.documentation.inbuilt : Help file searching, oddity. Server Time
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  Help file searching, oddity. (Message 1 to 9 of 9)  
From: Stephen
Subject: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 17 May 2013 07:03:08
Message: <51960e6c$1@news.povray.org>
This may be due to my system and setup (Win7 64 bit). But in the help file:

enter. I get a list of keywords below it and a list in the RHS window 
(okay so far). If I click on, say, adc_bailout in the RHS window. I get 
the entry for it displayed with the header at the top of the screen.
If I double click on it in the LHS window the display goes to the header 
for 3.4.1 Global Settings.

click on aa_level in the LHS window nothing happens. Nor does anything 
happen for the next two entries, to absorption.  Double clicking on 

just below it. But

I could go on. (I often do ;-) )

BTW the help for 3.6.2 does something similar.

The fact that I have not seen anyone mention this makes me suspicious 
that it is something to do with my system. If that is so what can I do?

Oops! there is an entry from JamesB7271 on 11th of March 2012.


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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 17 May 2013 11:33:15
Message: <51964dbb$1@news.povray.org>
On 05/17/2013 07:03 AM, Stephen wrote:
> This may be due to my system and setup (Win7 64 bit). But in the help file:

> enter. I get a list of keywords below it and a list in the RHS window
> (okay so far). If I click on, say, adc_bailout in the RHS window. I get
> the entry for it displayed with the header at the top of the screen.
> If I double click on it in the LHS window the display goes to the header
> for 3.4.1 Global Settings.

> click on aa_level in the LHS window nothing happens. Nor does anything
> happen for the next two entries, to absorption.  Double clicking on


> just below it. But
> I could go on. (I often do ;-) )
> BTW the help for 3.6.2 does something similar.
> The fact that I have not seen anyone mention this makes me suspicious
> that it is something to do with my system. If that is so what can I do?
> Oops! there is an entry from JamesB7271 on 11th of March 2012.

well i think this is partially due to the reference section 
reorganization ... also <indexentry> tags that weren't in the proper 
place since whenever. previously with the more linear lay-out the 
<indexentry> the tag could appear in the section just before the /real/ 
landing place so you wouldn't have to scroll up slightly to be at the 
beginning of the target section. the re-org was done hastily in that 
when the section was moved, care wasn't taken to make sure that the tag 
was also moved. having said all that i /have/ fixed those problems as 
i've came across them, but have postponed the herculean task to ferret 
out /all/ of the problematic tags

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 17 May 2013 11:59:31
Message: <519653e3$1@news.povray.org>
On 17/05/2013 4:33 PM, James Holsenback wrote:
> well i think this is partially due to the reference section
> reorganization ... also <indexentry> tags that weren't in the proper
> place since whenever. previously with the more linear lay-out the
> <indexentry> the tag could appear in the section just before the /real/
> landing place so you wouldn't have to scroll up slightly to be at the
> beginning of the target section. the re-org was done hastily in that
> when the section was moved, care wasn't taken to make sure that the tag
> was also moved. having said all that i /have/ fixed those problems as
> i've came across them, but have postponed the herculean task to ferret
> out /all/ of the problematic tags

This has been bugging me for years so it is not new.
Would you like me to compile a list of what I can find and either post 
them here or send them to you?


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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 17 May 2013 12:33:31
Message: <51965bdb$1@news.povray.org>
On 05/17/2013 11:59 AM, Stephen wrote:
> On 17/05/2013 4:33 PM, James Holsenback wrote:
>> well i think this is partially due to the reference section
>> reorganization ... also <indexentry> tags that weren't in the proper
>> place since whenever. previously with the more linear lay-out the
>> <indexentry> the tag could appear in the section just before the /real/
>> landing place so you wouldn't have to scroll up slightly to be at the
>> beginning of the target section. the re-org was done hastily in that
>> when the section was moved, care wasn't taken to make sure that the tag
>> was also moved. having said all that i /have/ fixed those problems as
>> i've came across them, but have postponed the herculean task to ferret
>> out /all/ of the problematic tags
> This has been bugging me for years so it is not new.
> Would you like me to compile a list of what I can find and either post
> them here or send them to you?

We could probably gain a little more traction if I was to let you (and 
anyone else who wants to) go after those as you find them. I'd be 
willing to coach you up on the process that I've used in the past.

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 17 May 2013 12:58:29
Message: <519661b5$1@news.povray.org>
On 17/05/2013 5:33 PM, James Holsenback wrote:
> We could probably gain a little more traction

Pass that by me again, in English. :-P
> if I was to let you (and
> anyone else who wants to) go after those as you find them. I'd be
> willing to coach you up on the process that I've used in the past.

Hmm! Do you have a sandbox or version control or something that will 
defend against ham fistedness?


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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 17 May 2013 14:33:42
Message: <51967806$1@news.povray.org>
On 05/17/2013 12:58 PM, Stephen wrote:
> On 17/05/2013 5:33 PM, James Holsenback wrote:
>> We could probably gain a little more traction
> Pass that by me again, in English. :-P

stand a better chance of getting it done -vs- spinning your wheels

>> if I was to let you (and
>> anyone else who wants to) go after those as you find them. I'd be
>> willing to coach you up on the process that I've used in the past.
> Hmm! Do you have a sandbox or version control or something that will
> defend against ham fistedness?

yep ... the wiki has revision control

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 17 May 2013 15:59:09
Message: <51968c0d$1@news.povray.org>
On 17/05/2013 7:33 PM, James Holsenback wrote:
> On 05/17/2013 12:58 PM, Stephen wrote:
>> On 17/05/2013 5:33 PM, James Holsenback wrote:
>>> We could probably gain a little more traction
>> Pass that by me again, in English. :-P
> stand a better chance of getting it done -vs- spinning your wheels

I know, I know. I was just joshing you. ;-)

>> Hmm! Do you have a sandbox or version control or something that will
>> defend against ham fistedness?
> yep ... the wiki has revision control

Okay dokay. Count me in but be aware that I've never done anything like 
this before. So it is not just the 101 course I'll need.


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From: James Holsenback
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 19 May 2013 06:42:17
Message: <5198ac89$1@news.povray.org>
On 05/17/2013 07:03 AM, Stephen wrote:
> This may be due to my system and setup (Win7 64 bit). But in the help file:

> enter. I get a list of keywords below it and a list in the RHS window
> (okay so far). If I click on, say, adc_bailout in the RHS window. I get
> the entry for it displayed with the header at the top of the screen.
> If I double click on it in the LHS window the display goes to the header
> for 3.4.1 Global Settings.

> click on aa_level in the LHS window nothing happens. Nor does anything
> happen for the next two entries, to absorption.  Double clicking on


> just below it. But
> I could go on. (I often do ;-) )
> BTW the help for 3.6.2 does something similar.
> The fact that I have not seen anyone mention this makes me suspicious
> that it is something to do with my system. If that is so what can I do?
> Oops! there is an entry from JamesB7271 on 11th of March 2012.

I reviewed all the cases you mentioned above, and the indexentry tag for 
those entry /all/ appear to be in the proper place ... I'm thinking the 
algorithm that produces the search-able index has some problems.


{{#indexentry:adc_bailout, global_settings}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, adc_bailout}}


==Sampling Parameters & Methods==
<p>Media effects are calculated by sampling the media along the path of 
the ray. It uses a process called <em>Monte Carlo integration.</em> 
POV-Ray provides three different types of media sampling. The 
<code>method</code> keyword lets you specify what sampling type is used.</p>

<p class="Note"><strong>Note:</strong> As of version 3.5 the default 
sampling <code>method</code> is 3, and it's default for 
<code>intervals</code> is 1. Sampling methods 1 and 2 have been retained 
for legacy purposes.</p>

{{#indexentry:aa_threshold, media}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, aa_threshold}}
{{#indexentry:aa_level, media}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, aa_level}}


<p><code>abs(A)</code><br>Absolute value of <code>A</code>. If 
<code>A</code> is negative, returns <code>-A</code> otherwise returns 

<p><code>acos(A)</code><br>Arc-cosine of <code>A</code>. Returns the 
angle, measured in radians, whose cosine is <code>A</code>.</p>


{{#indexentry:absorption, media}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, absorption}}
<p>The <code>absorption</code> keyword specifies a color of light which 
is absorbed when looking through the media. For example, 
<code>absorption rgb<0,1,0></code> blocks the green light but 
permits red and blue to get through. Therefore a white object behind the 
media will appear magenta. The default value is 
<code>rgb<0,0,0></code> which means no light is absorbed, meaning 
all light passes through normally.</p>


{{#indexentry:charset, global_settings}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, charset}}
{{#indexentry:ascii, global_settings}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, ascii}}
{{#indexentry:utf8, global_settings}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, utf8}}
{{#indexentry:sys, global_settings}}
{{#indexentry:keyword, sys}}

<p>This allows you to specify the assumed character set of all text strings.

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From: posfan12
Subject: Re: Help file searching, oddity.
Date: 11 Oct 2013 10:25:01
Message: <web.52580a187e33511c41a177270@news.povray.org>
I'm glad this is being worked on! There are a lot of index entries that go
nowhere and are annoying.


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