From: "cadman" <cad### [at] graffiti net>
Subject: Looking for more info on cylinder lights
Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 11:53 AM
The docs say that the cylinder light syntax is exactly like the spotlight
syntax. How can this be so? The radius keyword in the spotlight is the
radius angle of the cone surface from the reflective vector. There is no
such thing for a cylinder. Same with the falloff keyword.
What effect do these keywords have on a cylinder light? When toying with
it, it seems that the falloff has the most effect on the look of the light,
and radius seems to have no effect. Anyway, you get the idea. How is the
cylinder light supposed to be used?
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> What effect do these keywords have on a cylinder light? When toying with
> it, it seems that the falloff has the most effect on the look of the
> and radius seems to have no effect. Anyway, you get the idea. How is the
> cylinder light supposed to be used?
Peter Popov explained this in p.b-t. Does anyone want to write a more
understandable section for the doc?
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On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 20:35:05 +0100, "Felix Wiemann"
<Fel### [at] gmx net> wrote:
>Peter Popov explained this in p.b-t. Does anyone want to write a more
>understandable section for the doc?
What Peter Popov explained perfectly fit POV 3.1 but in POV 3.5,
cylindrical lights are no longer fake, they're real. They start from a
disc and form a uniform tube of light, much like a laser beam. As for
the radius and falloff keywords, I did a few tests and it turns out
that their behavior has changed since 3.1. There's no sense in
guessing, I'll have a look at the source when I have the time.
Peter Popov ICQ : 15002700
Personal e-mail : pet### [at] vip bg
TAG e-mail : pet### [at] tag povray org
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