POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : Re: Competition submission Server Time
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  Re: Competition submission (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: jute
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 29 Sep 2004 15:10:00
Message: <web.415b07763c0b8465378d0fe0@news.povray.org>
Just to avoid confusion,  perhaps it should be noted somewhere (here? :))
that camera location must be the same for all images.  Otherwise the detail
views could show something that wouldn't be visible in the main image when
rendered at higher resolution; and if that would be OK, then why not render
three completely different views of a complex model, where none of the
images is really a closeup of another.

I'm not sure if this isn't just nit-picking, but I had to think about it
when I was trying my detail views :)

From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 30 Sep 2004 06:07:48
Message: <415bdaf4@news.povray.org>


> I'm not sure if this isn't just nit-picking, but I had to think about it
> when I was trying my detail views :)

In fact, the organizers of the competition never imagined that the detail
view could be something other than a simple zoom-in of the main image!
However it's obvious from some of the questions here that this wasn't as
self-evident as we thought, so be sure that in a future competition, this
particular point will be made clearer.
Good luck for your entry, btw!



- Graphic experiments
- POV-Ray and Poser computer images
- Posters
From: jute
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 30 Sep 2004 13:15:51
Message: <415c3f47$1@news.povray.org>
Gilles Tran wrote:
> However it's obvious from some of the questions here that this wasn't as
> self-evident as we thought, so be sure that in a future competition, this
> particular point will be made clearer.

I don't think the rules are unclear as such, guess people are just a bit 
more cautious than usual because it would be so sad to get (justly) 
disqualified due to an essentially minor technical oversight when the 
prizes are so great.

> Good luck for your entry, btw!

Thanks!  Next time you guys organize something like this, you MUST 
figure out a way to avoid disqualifying yourselves! :D

From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 30 Sep 2004 13:48:29
Message: <415c46ed$1@news.povray.org>
"jute" <jus### [at] ikifi> wrote in message 
> Thanks!  Next time you guys organize something like this, you MUST figure 
> out a way to avoid disqualifying yourselves! :D

Yeah, or at least force them to submit an impressive image, even if it's 
ineligible.  Like, "Had Gilles been eligible, this would have been his 
image."  ;-)

I'm pretty happy with my entry.  I'm trying to finish it up now, and I'll be 
leaving about 11 days for the final render +details, just in case something 
goes wrong.  I think it's my best scene yet, but I'm biased, and "my best" 
may not come close.  I know what others can do, and I know enough to know 
that they know a lot more than I know, so I work with what I now know.  Ya 

But seriously, I created something that I'm proud of, so whether I place in 
the competition or not, I'll be making a poster for my own enjoyment.  :-)

Good luck to you as well!

From: St 
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 30 Sep 2004 14:24:00
Message: <415c4f40@news.povray.org>
"Jeremy M. Praay" <jer### [at] questsoftwarecom> wrote in message
> "jute" <jus### [at] ikifi> wrote in message
> news:415c3f47$1@news.povray.org...
> >
> > Thanks!  Next time you guys organize something like this, you MUST
> > out a way to avoid disqualifying yourselves! :D
> >
> Yeah, or at least force them to submit an impressive image, even if
> ineligible.  Like, "Had Gilles been eligible, this would have been
> image."  ;-)

Ok, how about a small comp for the PoV team between themselves, run by
'us' for them? If it's a 'go', I'll put my 'all' into it. Thoughts?

> I'm pretty happy with my entry.  I'm trying to finish it up now, and
I'll be
> leaving about 11 days for the final render +details, just in case
> goes wrong.  I think it's my best scene yet, but I'm biased, and "my
> may not come close.  I know what others can do, and I know enough to
> that they know a lot more than I know, so I work with what I now
know.  Ya
> know?

 Heh, yeah, I know at least. I'm the same. I'm happy with mine, and
it's the best I've produced so far, for sure.

> But seriously, I created something that I'm proud of, so whether I
place in
> the competition or not, I'll be making a poster for my own
enjoyment.  :-)

    Too right. Can't wait to see it.

> Good luck to you as well!

   Yes, good luck Jeremy, good luck all!  :)


> -- 
> Jeremy
> www.beantoad.com

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