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From: sprocket
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 16:10:00
Message: <web.414de6cd3c0b846523fc84270@news.povray.org>
> Sorry, this is due to an internal communication problem.  The rules have
> been corrected to only allow JPEG images.  I apologize for any inconvenience
> this has caused!
>     Thorsten

AHGGG my 8 hr png file output is no good... or can we change it to jpg
help as its only a celeron laptop im on and its already going "you want to
do what ?????"
From: sprocket
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 16:25:00
Message: <web.414dea6e3c0b846523fc84270@news.povray.org>
JUst looking in the documentation and theres no +f switch for a jpg file
a I missing something or is image conversion allowed post render ?
From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 16:39:21
Message: <414dee79$1@news.povray.org>
In article <web.414de6cd3c0b846523fc84270@news.povray.org> , "sprocket" 
<ter### [at] upnawaycom> wrote:

> AHGGG my 8 hr png file output is no good... or can we change it to jpg
> externally?

Well, given that POV-Ray does not write JPEG files, how else could you
possibly get a JPEG file of a POV-Ray render?

From: Leroy
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 17:18:33
Message: <414DF659.7070607@joplin.com>
> Well, given that POV-Ray does not write JPEG files, how else could you
> possibly get a JPEG file of a POV-Ray render?
>     Thorsten

Then this line
"No post processing of any kind is permitted."
in Rule 4.Image D should be changed to advoid any confusion.
From: sprocket
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 18:00:00
Message: <web.414e01543c0b846523fc84270@news.povray.org>
Thanks, just making sure  I keep in the rules.
From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 18:38:38
Message: <414e0a6e$1@news.povray.org>
In article <414### [at] joplincom> , Leroy <lrw### [at] joplincom>  wrote:

>> Well, given that POV-Ray does not write JPEG files, how else could you
>> possibly get a JPEG file of a POV-Ray render?
> Then this line
> "No post processing of any kind is permitted."
> in Rule 4.Image D should be changed to advoid any confusion.

No, there is no need to change any rules. Some basic intelligence is
required of the competition participants:

The sample images are JPEG and obviously JPEG images were always allowed.
Anybody unable to understand that compressing an image is *not* post
processing in the sense of the rules should probably not be taking part -
you might consider it natural selection :-)

And remember, the same kind of post processing rules have worked for the
IRTC well for many years. Nobody even had a problem there either.  I would
strongly advice to maybe use some common sense and not the lawyer mode of
thinking.  It is much more productive to work on your images in the end!

From: Jim Holsenback
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 18:51:17
Message: <414e0d65@news.povray.org>
> "No post processing of any kind is permitted."

this is why I used the +FN command line switch .... so that povray could 
produce a file that would require no post processing whatsoever. I was 
previously converting bmp file to jpg. Hmmm .... how can ya follow the rules 
when it appears that the rules are a moving target. No doubt I'll get flamed 
for this and tomorrow I'll regret doing it but .... hey is this anyway to 
run a contest???? Considering dropping out ..... sheesh
From: Nicolas Calimet
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 18:55:43
Message: <414e0e6f$1@news.povray.org>
> how can ya follow the rules 
> when it appears that the rules are a moving target.

	Consider this - competition rules are like the software you're
gonna use to participate: they improve with time and feedback.

	- NC
From: Nicolas Calimet
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 19 Sep 2004 18:56:54
Message: <414e0eb6$1@news.povray.org>
> Anybody unable to understand that compressing an image is *not* post
> processing in the sense of the rules should probably not be taking part -
> you might consider it natural selection :-)


	- NC

PS: it would be a pity to discourage potential participants at that
stage of the competition.
From: St 
Subject: Re: Competition submission
Date: 20 Sep 2004 01:25:50
Message: <414e69de@news.povray.org>
"Jim Holsenback" <jho### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message

> Considering dropping out ..... sheesh

Cool. One down, 2000 to go, my chances are getting better all the
time...   ;)

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