POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.competition : Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004! Server Time
4 Dec 2024 21:05:37 EST (-0500)
  Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004! (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: David Karl
Subject: Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004!
Date: 3 Aug 2004 14:54:02
Message: <410fdf4a$1@news.povray.org>
Cool!  I'm actually tingling with anticipation!

Maybe I'll finally be able to come up with a scene I'm proud of.  I tend to
nitpick my creations to death.  I mean, I have no chance of winning
anything, but it'd be nice to try, right?

Waiting with baited breath for the rules and registration pages to be put up
: )
From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004!
Date: 3 Aug 2004 21:38:21
Message: <41103e0d$1@news.povray.org>
"David Karl" <dka### [at] asninccom> wrote in message
> Cool!  I'm actually tingling with anticipation!
> Maybe I'll finally be able to come up with a scene I'm proud of.  I tend
> nitpick my creations to death.  I mean, I have no chance of winning
> anything, but it'd be nice to try, right?

Though we still don't know the rules (at the time of my posting), it sounds
like it will be quite a competition.  Assuming that it has to be a new
creation, I think we can expect to see some tremendous new images created
with POV-Ray.  :-)

From: Marcus Lundberg
Subject: Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004!
Date: 4 Aug 2004 13:48:13
Message: <opsb7yetmygccxe1@news.povray.org>
Hmm, got 26th for an unpolished image in the IRTC.  25th in POVComp for a 
polished image may not be a pipe dream.  Must get to work.  Must upgrade 
PC for faster render.  Must not go to classes.  Must eat more Ramen and 
less food.
From: David Karl
Subject: Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004!
Date: 5 Aug 2004 22:58:12
Message: <4112f3c4@news.povray.org>
mmmmm.....  Ramen.....

Well, the rules are up; time to get cracking.  I must say though, I was
really hoping one of the conditions would be *providing source*.  I mean,
it's optional, and must be available to provide to the moderators on demand,
but it would've been cool to require any posted / winning images to divulge
the source so all the POV junkies (like me) could spend our hours watching
the pixels appear.

But, I understand the downside, where many authors would be protective of
their hard-tuned source, and not want others to steal some of the finer
points, so they simply wouldn't compete in the competition.  And I'm sure
others worry about the 50 megs of meshes they're using : ) but I'd be glad
to donate web space.

Anyway, I do hope many authors WILL volunteer their source; I know if I get
any entries in, my source will be with it.
From: Jeremy M  Praay
Subject: Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004!
Date: 6 Aug 2004 22:49:12
Message: <41144328$1@news.povray.org>
"David Karl" <dka### [at] asninccom> wrote in message
> mmmmm.....  Ramen.....
> Well, the rules are up; time to get cracking.  I must say though, I was
> really hoping one of the conditions would be *providing source*.  I mean,
> it's optional, and must be available to provide to the moderators on
> but it would've been cool to require any posted / winning images to
> the source so all the POV junkies (like me) could spend our hours watching
> the pixels appear.
> But, I understand the downside, where many authors would be protective of
> their hard-tuned source, and not want others to steal some of the finer
> points, so they simply wouldn't compete in the competition.  And I'm sure
> others worry about the 50 megs of meshes they're using : ) but I'd be glad
> to donate web space.

As I understand it, there is nothing wrong with using proprietary models
(e.g. Poser (TM) models).  If that's the case, it would be a serious legal
problem to distribute those models.  Technically, it could be a legal
problem to even give them to the moderators, but I doubt anyone would be
sued over that, since the source is later destroyed (not to mention the fact
that they [whoever they are] would be suing their customer base over a
trivial issue).

From: St 
Subject: Re: Welcome to POVCOMP 2004!
Date: 21 Aug 2004 00:07:44
Message: <4126ca90$1@news.povray.org>
"David Karl" <dka### [at] asninccom> wrote in message
> Cool!  I'm actually tingling with anticipation!
> Maybe I'll finally be able to come up with a scene I'm proud of.  I
tend to
> nitpick my creations to death.  I mean, I have no chance of winning
> anything, but it'd be nice to try, right?

    Oh, yes indeed. I can't wait to see the images.

> Waiting with baited breath for the rules and registration pages to
be put up

   My breath is still baited...  ;)


> : )
> -D

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