POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Re: Cloud Surface Server Time
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  Re: Cloud Surface (Message 51 to 60 of 109)  
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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 10:20:00
Message: <web.5a1c2c0c9a2a53c1c437ac910@news.povray.org>
> Sven Littkowski wrote on 27/11/2017 04:40:

> > Thank you. I made a try with your clouds. First, I had to rotate your
> > cloud so it could fit to my own coordinate system, then resizing it and
> > making it a bit flatter with scaling down the Y axis.

I'm pretty sure that unless people are generating scene files with a 3rd party
application (Pose-Ray, etc), then the standard Left-Handed coordinate system
should be the default.
I'm not sure what coordinate system you're using - or why.

And along those lines, it's usually easier to "change" coordinate systems by
modifying the camera definition, rather than rotating or mirroring individual
objects in the scene, or a union of everything in the scene.

> > I would want to use a media, that gives a color based on density. Thick
> > clouds are filled with this color, but the thin edges are fading out.
> > Can you do that?
> >
> > At the moment, with your clouds they are right now, the tower disappears
> > abruptly. But it should fade away into the clouds. That is why this is
> > necessary.

It sounds like you don't actually want what you state that you want in the first
It sounds like what you want is simply a more gradual occlusion of your tower
with decreasing y-location.
You could NOT "make the clouds flatter" by scaling, and that would give you the
more gradually increasing _perceived_ cloud density, or you could actually scale
your density in the density function - multiply the y-component by something
less than 1.

Actually defining a COLOR based on density would require a much more complex
coding, involving functions, and perhaps a 3-color separation scheme such as
Stephen uses for his DF3's

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 11:17:35
Message: <5a1c3a9f$1@news.povray.org>
Am 27.11.2017 um 01:54 schrieb Sven Littkowski:
> This is how it looks without scattering and emission. :-)
> Both seem to be required for correct colors.

For clouds, scattering should be mandatory.

It's emission and absorption that should be avoided.

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 11:23:32
Message: <5a1c3c04@news.povray.org>
On 27/11/2017 15:15, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Actually defining a COLOR based on density would require a much more complex
> coding, involving functions, and perhaps a 3-color separation scheme such as
> Stephen uses for his DF3's

That right keep it simple. ;)

But the project reminds me of an animation I made in 2009. The cloud in 
this short scene is just blobs with a scattering media to hide the MoCap 
feet slippage.

Insistently Sven, you may find this video is of local interest. I was 
working in Kingston when I discovered Pov-Ray. This is the first 
animation I ever made. The size and quality are not good as it was made 
on a laptop and converted from a flv, The rendering took a whole 24 
hours and it is cyclic and should be looped. It brought back good memories.


#version 3.6;

background { colour rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000> }

// referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration begin

#declare Shadow_Clouds_Bot =
pigment {
   colour_map {
     [0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
     [0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
     [0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]

   rotate    <0.0,0.0,90.000>
   rotate    <180.000,0.0,0.0>
   scale     <0.167,1.000,1.000>
   rotate    <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
   translate <0.000,-0.150,0.000>
   turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
   octaves 6
   lambda 2.000
   omega 0.700

#declare Shadow_Clouds_Mid =
pigment {
   colour_map {
     [0.000 rgbft <0.850,0.850,0.850,0.000,0.000>]
     [0.100 rgbft <0.750,0.750,0.750,0.000,0.000>]
     [0.500 rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>]

   rotate    <0.0,0.0,90.000>
   rotate    <180.000,0.0,0.0>
   scale     <0.167,1.000,1.000>
   rotate    <-180.000,0.000,-90.000>
   turbulence <0.650,0.650,0.650>
   octaves 6
   lambda 2.000
   omega 0.700

#declare Shadow_Clouds_Top =
pigment {
   colour rgbft <0.196,0.600,0.800,0.000,0.000>

#declare Haze =
   texture {
     pigment {
       colour rgbft <1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000,1.000>


     ior                 1.000
     caustics            0.000
     dispersion          1.000
     dispersion_samples  7.000
     fade_power          0.000
     fade_distance       0.000
     fade_color          rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000>
     media {
       method     3
       intervals  1
       samples    10, 10
       confidence 0.900
       variance   0.008
       ratio      0.900
       absorption rgb <0.004,0.122,0.247>
       emission   rgb <0.010,0.010,0.000>
       aa_threshold 0.100
       aa_level    4
       scattering {
         1,rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
         extinction    1.000
       density {
         density_map {
             gradient < 0.000, 1.000, 0.000 >





#declare Camera1 =
camera {
   location <10.376,37.151,-83.851>
   up y
   right -1.333*x
   angle 35.000
   sky <-0.073,0.960,0.270>
   look_at < -13.011, 11.053, 2.515 >
}  // end Camera1

// referenced scene items and forced visible scene items declaration end

union {  // Lights
   light_source {  // Shadowless_Light_Source0
     < 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, colour rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
     fade_power 0.000
     fade_distance 100.000
     media_attenuation off
     media_interaction on
     translate <15.811000,100.000000,-200.977356>
   }  // end Shadowless_Light_Source0

   light_source {  // Light_Source0
     < 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 >, colour rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
     fade_power 0.000
     fade_distance 100.000
     media_attenuation off
     media_interaction on
     translate <-24.636320,125.983002,-195.075000>
   }  // end Light_Source0

}  // end Lights

sky_sphere {  // SkySphere1
   pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Top }
   pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Mid }
   pigment{ Shadow_Clouds_Bot }

   rotate    <12.171,0.000,0.000>
}  // end SkySphere1

blob {  // Blob0
   threshold 1.000
   sphere {  // spherical_component3
     0, 1.000000
     strength 2.000000
     scale     <7.327683,0.508000,1.000000>
     translate <0.000000,0.000000,3.787274>
   }  // end spherical_component3
   sphere {  // spherical_component6
     0, 1.000000
     strength 3.000000
     scale     <6.470000,0.590000,1.000000>
     translate <0.000000,0.160000,3.132000>
   }  // end spherical_component6
   sphere {  // spherical_component2
     0, 1.000000
     strength 3.000000
     scale     <6.239549,0.549000,1.000000>
     translate <0.000000,0.160000,2.584432>
   }  // end spherical_component2
   sphere {  // spherical_component5
     0, 1.000000
     strength 3.000000
     scale     <6.470000,0.590000,1.000000>
     translate <0.000000,-0.003624,2.142000>
   }  // end spherical_component5
   sphere {  // spherical_component4
     0, 1.000000
     strength 3.000000
     scale     <6.470000,0.590000,1.000000>
     translate <0.000000,0.080000,0.679000>
   }  // end spherical_component4
   sphere {  // spherical_component1
     0, 1.000000
     strength 3.000000
     scale     <6.470000,0.590000,1.000000>
     translate <0.000000,-0.024410,1.328000>
   }  // end spherical_component1
   sphere {  // spherical_component0
     0, 1.000000
     strength 3.000000
     scale     <5.555382,0.631000,1.000000>
   }  // end spherical_component0
   material{ Haze }
   scale     <14.153000,4.739000,30.793000>
   rotate    <0.000000,89.000000,0.000000>
   translate <-67.867683,-0.646462,40.060379>
}  // end Blob0

camera{ Camera1 }



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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 11:23:48
Message: <5a1c3c14$1@news.povray.org>
Am 27.11.2017 um 11:42 schrieb Sven Littkowski:
> Thanks a lot!
> When i render your scene file, my result differs: I can see the lower
> parts of the tower below the clouds much more, than in your scene image.
> If the scene is the same, only the settings could be the cause.
> See here my settings:
> Output_File_Type=n Quality=12 +ua
> Any difference to your settings?

What version of POV-Ray are you using?

As mentioned earlier, media math has had some kinks ironed out
comparatively recently (read: after v3.7.0).

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 12:20:20
Message: <5a1c4954$1@news.povray.org>
On 27.11.2017 07:29, Paolo Gibellini wrote:
> Now it seems a snowflake seen by a scanning electron microscope:
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Snow_crystals_2b.jpg

Looks good, but I am missing the reflective (white) areas of this
crystal. :-)



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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 12:29:46
Message: <5a1c4b8a$1@news.povray.org>
On 27.11.2017 10:15, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that unless people are generating scene files with a 3rd 
> application (Pose-Ray, etc), then the standard Left-Handed coordinate sys
> should be the default.
> I'm not sure what coordinate system you're using - or why.

Hi. Well, in my coordinate system, I am using the "Y" axis for the
height. But the cloud used a different axis for its height. I had to
rotate. :-)

On 27.11.2017 10:15, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Actually defining a COLOR based on density would require a much more comp
> coding, involving functions, and perhaps a 3-color separation scheme such
> Stephen uses for his DF3's

I just don't know. I never usually work with media and density. Always
only with regular shapes and differences only. But I believe, I need
such density effect here.



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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 12:32:05
Message: <5a1c4c15@news.povray.org>
On 27.11.2017 11:23, Stephen wrote:
> On 27/11/2017 15:15, Bald Eagle wrote:
>> Actually defining a COLOR based on density would require a much more
>> complex
>> coding, involving functions, and perhaps a 3-color separation scheme
>> such as
>> Stephen uses for his DF3's
> That right keep it simple. ;)
> But the project reminds me of an animation I made in 2009. The cloud in
> this short scene is just blobs with a scattering media to hide the MoCap
> feet slippage.
> https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=djv_LIL4TXQ

"No video found"   :-)

> Insistently Sven, you may find this video is of local interest. I was
> working in Kingston when I discovered Pov-Ray. This is the first
> animation I ever made. The size and quality are not good as it was made
> on a laptop and converted from a flv, The rendering took a whole 24
> hours and it is cyclic and should be looped. It brought back good memorie
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-OPfs25aRM

This video was found, it shows beer bottles. :-D



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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 12:33:00
Message: <5a1c4c4c$1@news.povray.org>
On 27.11.2017 09:51, And wrote:
> In fact I'm not experienced on doing this, too (especially using pov-ray,
> generate cloud after you post the messages). But I know some facts about 
> and read several articles during my java project to render cloud and sky,

> and I want to sleep now, I have to go to work tomorrow.

Wishing a good night. :-)



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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 12:35:17
Message: <5a1c4cd5@news.povray.org>
On 27.11.2017 11:17, clipka wrote:
> For clouds, scattering should be mandatory.
> It's emission and absorption that should be avoided.

Thanks. Making a test run now without Absorbing. :-)



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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Cloud Surface
Date: 27 Nov 2017 12:37:34
Message: <5a1c4d5e$1@news.povray.org>
On 27.11.2017 11:23, clipka wrote:
> What version of POV-Ray are you using?
> As mentioned earlier, media math has had some kinks ironed out
> comparatively recently (read: after v3.7.0).

I use the latest version, v3.7.



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