POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Question about media_attenuation behavior. Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:03:38 EST (-0500)
  Question about media_attenuation behavior. (Message 21 to 23 of 23)  
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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Question about media_attenuation behavior.
Date: 14 Feb 2018 06:30:00
Message: <web.5a841d2f672c2bc5cafe28e0@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:

I was not at all sure.
It is not that either.

Upon having more than a few uninterrupted seconds to look into it further, it's
apparently from "Ms [manuscript] found in a bottle".   :/

This is what happens when you voraciously read many things in rapid succession,
and your vast personal library is no longer at your fingertips.
This is often an even worse problem for me with Sci Fi, or some bit of film I
only remember snippets of.

Elton John had a tiny dancer in his head - I need a tiny librarian, or a
secretary to manage the filing.

Sounds like TdG needs an AI to index all of his code - I know the feeling.
"Now WHERE is that little snippet that does....?"

"The circles rapidly grow small we are plunging madly within the grasp of the
To mix a thread or two, circles of confusion indeed.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Question about media_attenuation behavior.
Date: 14 Feb 2018 07:20:25
Message: <5a842989$1@news.povray.org>
On 14-2-2018 12:27, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:

> I was not at all sure.
> It is not that either.
> Upon having more than a few uninterrupted seconds to look into it further, it's
> apparently from "Ms [manuscript] found in a bottle".   :/

Ah! Of course! At least we had the author right. ;-)

[interesting alternative universe title: "Ms (miss) found in a bottle"]

> This is what happens when you voraciously read many things in rapid succession,
> and your vast personal library is no longer at your fingertips.
> This is often an even worse problem for me with Sci Fi, or some bit of film I
> only remember snippets of.

I know what you mean. I am permanently struggling with remembering where 
I read snippets of text that come up in daily conversation. :-/

> Elton John had a tiny dancer in his head - I need a tiny librarian, or a
> secretary to manage the filing.
> Sounds like TdG needs an AI to index all of his code - I know the feeling.
> "Now WHERE is that little snippet that does....?"

I thought I had it all well and logically filed away but no. I /know/ I 
have it somewhere but it escapes my eager little fingers. When 
associated with an image I have less problems remembering and finding.

> "The circles rapidly grow small we are plunging madly within the grasp of the
> whirlpool..."
> To mix a thread or two, circles of confusion indeed.

So it is indeed, so it is.


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From: William F Pokorny
Subject: Re: Question about media_attenuation behavior.
Date: 16 Nov 2018 09:33:06
Message: <5beed522$1@news.povray.org>
On 2/11/18 9:47 AM, William F Pokorny wrote:
> On 01/23/2018 03:28 PM, clipka wrote:
>> Am 23.01.2018 um 16:57 schrieb William F Pokorny:
> ...
>> I'd say yes, that would be quite useful indeed.
>> (And maybe also `media_attenuation on` for light sources inside the
>> media container.)
> I have been weeks now on and off digging into media and media code. It 

I was reminded today I'd left this branch of this thread hanging regard 
adding explicit media attenuation control for lights inside and outside 
a media container.

I looked at adding an SDL keyword/arrangement for explicit control early 
in the year. However, I could never get more than 80-90% of test scenes 
(or parts thereof) to work/match for any given coding attempt.

We today support scenes with both fog and media(1). This support 
constrains the games that can be played with rays and media intervals in 
the code. Heck, might be why the code works as it does. In any case 
fog+media support was the primary impediment I hit given the general 
approach I tried.

(1) - With some limits/issues.

Someday, perhaps, when my C++ skills have improved, I'll get back to 
this effort. I currently think a somewhat major ray-interval/media/fog 
code re-factoring is needed.

Bill P.

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