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Just thrown together full support for the "brilliance" keyword in radiosity.
This scene is illuminated by a yellowish classic circular area light
(with area_illumination) on the right, an emissive disc of matching
size, colour and brightness on the left, and a blue sky sphere.
All spheres (except the rightmost in the back row) use "diffuse albedo
1.0", with varying brilliance.
Front row, left to right: brilliance 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8
Back row: brilliance 32, 64, 256; the rightmost sphere is a reflective
sphere (with an albedo 1.0 ultra-low roughness specular highlight) for
Note that what looks like blurred reflections in the high-brilliance
spheres is really just a static blurred projection of the environment
along the surface normal. It might be useful as a "poor man's blurred
reflection" nonetheless.
(It should also be noted that illuminating radiosity scenes with
comparatively small bright emissive objects is generally a bad idea, and
needs crazy high radiosity count settings; in this scene, I used "count
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Oh, and did you know that the current implementation of brilliance is
physically bogus?
For virtually all real-world materials, the function that describes how
much of any given incoming light ray comes out as any other given
outgoing light ray is a /bidirectional/ one: You can swap incoming and
outgoing ray, and the equation still yields the same result.
That's not the case for POV-Ray's diffuse surface when using any
brilliance value other than 1.
This can be fixed however -- and voila: It does provide for pretty neat
Left: brilliance 0.7 (using the fixed implementation); this might come
in handy to model fluffy stuff, such as tennis balls.
Center: brilliance 1.0 for reference.
Right: brilliance 2.0 (using the fixed implementation); should do great
for black nylons or the like. Might also come in handy as the basis for
a pearl material I guess.
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Am 22.07.2014 17:07, schrieb clipka:
> Right: brilliance 2.0 (using the fixed implementation); should do great
> for black nylons or the like. Might also come in handy as the basis for
> a pearl material I guess.
... and frosted light bulbs.
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Preview of image 'radiosity_brilliance.png'

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Le 22/07/2014 17:07, clipka nous fit lire :
> Oh, and did you know that the current implementation of brilliance is
> physically bogus?
Most people, I guess, use diffuse. So it might have been unnoticed for eons.
IQ of crossposters with FU: 100 / (number of groups)
IQ of crossposters without FU: 100 / (1 + number of groups)
IQ of multiposters: 100 / ( (number of groups) * (number of groups))
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That is really great! Offers a number of nice possibilities.
Black nylons, hmmm...? ;-)
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> That is really great! Offers a number of nice possibilities.
> Black nylons, hmmm...? ;-)
You know you've been raytracing too long when... you read "black nylons"
and immediately get an image in your head of a square black lump of plastic!
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clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Oh, and did you know that the current implementation of brilliance is
> physically bogus?
> For virtually all real-world materials, the function that describes how
> much of any given incoming light ray comes out as any other given
> outgoing light ray is a /bidirectional/ one: You can swap incoming and
> outgoing ray, and the equation still yields the same result.
> That's not the case for POV-Ray's diffuse surface when using any
> brilliance value other than 1.
Yes, ...but I consider this current brilliance has its advantage. It has a
simple mathematics form. For users who want to control their own effect, it is
> This can be fixed however -- and voila: It does provide for pretty neat
> effects.
I heard that there is an oren-nayar model. Is it something like that? If so, it
is very good because difference of diffuse model can creat many variety of
texture. The current pov-ray feature which can do this is not rich. Only
normal{...} on a texture can work with radiosity.
> Left: brilliance 0.7 (using the fixed implementation); this might come
> in handy to model fluffy stuff, such as tennis balls.
> Center: brilliance 1.0 for reference.
> Right: brilliance 2.0 (using the fixed implementation); should do great
> for black nylons or the like. Might also come in handy as the basis for
> a pearl material I guess.
Brilliance for radiosity is good.
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Am 26.07.2014 14:19, schrieb And:
>> This can be fixed however -- and voila: It does provide for pretty neat
>> effects.
> I heard that there is an oren-nayar model. Is it something like that? If so, it
> is very good because difference of diffuse model can creat many variety of
> texture. The current pov-ray feature which can do this is not rich. Only
> normal{...} on a texture can work with radiosity.
No... not really. Oren-Nayar started with a physical model of how the
observed effect might be explained, and then derived an exact
mathematical formula from this model.
What I did was start with an existing mathematical formula (which
presumably is just a more-or-less random tweak of the lambertian model),
interpret it as a modulation of the light intensity based on the
incoming light angle, and apply that very same modulation based on the
outgoing light angle as well.
> Brilliance for radiosity is good.
That's why I put it in ;-)
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clipka <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Am 26.07.2014 14:19, schrieb And:
> > Brilliance for radiosity is good.
> That's why I put it in ;-)
Thank you.
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