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  hf_tools.inc (Message 21 to 26 of 26)  
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From: stbenge
Subject: Re: hf_tools.inc
Date: 16 Dec 2009 14:15:20
Message: <4b2931c8@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot wrote:
> "stbenge" <UN### [at] hotmailcom> schreef in bericht 
> news:4b283e59@news.povray.org...
>> I really need to make a small functioning example to provide along with a 
>> bug report.
> I may be talking nonsense here, but those same features are often also 
> created by WM or GeoControl. I don't remember them from Leveller, but it has 
> been a while since I last used that app. Do you think they have the same 
> origin? Are they the same kind of bug?

I doubt they are the same bug.

Check this out:


It works just fine, always has.

Compare it to this:

  function 513, 513{
     interpolate 2 once

This is when edge artifacts show up. The dimensions are correct. The 
problem happens regardless of image_map attributes such as interpolation 
and repetition.

I would say it's a height_field issue, but I know it's not. I have 
encountered this same problem when using image_maps at other times, like 
for my luminous bloom code.

> In GeoControl I can correct manually with a brush, but in hf's from WM I 
> just cut off a thin slice around from it by using an intersection in POV. 
> Not very elegant as a solution but it works.

Whatever works :)

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From: stbenge
Subject: Re: hf_tools.inc
Date: 16 Dec 2009 14:17:29
Message: <4b293249@news.povray.org>
Kenneth wrote:
> Where was this years ago??!!  You've created some real magic here. It must be
> the coffee--drink lots more, so you can come up with more cool ideas!

Drink more coffee? Okay :)

> I'm really looking forward to trying this out (and looking over your code, to
> glean some ideas from 'the Master.')

Whatever you do, have fun!

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: hf_tools.inc
Date: 17 Dec 2009 03:17:52
Message: <4b29e930$1@news.povray.org>
"stbenge" <UN### [at] hotmailcom> schreef in bericht 
> Check this out:
> height_field{
>  png"mountains.png"
>  ...
> }
> It works just fine, always has.
> Compare it to this:
> height_field{
>  function 513, 513{
>   pigment{
>    image_map{
>     png"mountains.png"
>     interpolate 2 once
>    }
>   }
>  }
>  ...
> }
> This is when edge artifacts show up. The dimensions are correct. The 
> problem happens regardless of image_map attributes such as interpolation 
> and repetition.
> I would say it's a height_field issue, but I know it's not. I have 
> encountered this same problem when using image_maps at other times, like 
> for my luminous bloom code.

Ah, right. I see your point. One way or another I have never noticed this 
difference. Strange indeed. Thanks for drawing my attention to it.


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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: hf_tools.inc
Date: 17 Dec 2009 10:40:01
Message: <web.4b2a4f8ff654043d65f302820@news.povray.org>
stbenge <UN### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:

> I doubt they are the same bug.
> Check this out:
> height_field{
>   png"mountains.png"
>   ...
> }
> It works just fine, always has.
> Compare it to this:
> height_field{
>   function 513, 513{
>    pigment{
>     image_map{
>      png"mountains.png"
>      interpolate 2 once
>     }
>    }
>   }
>   ...
> }

Yeah, there are some strange goings-on in HFs made from functions.  I think I've
noticed the edge artifacts you mentioned.  But there's also the odd fact that
the applied pattern (or image_map) ends up being flipped upside down(?) like a
mirror-image, AND that the 'origin point' of the pattern/image is out of place.
The usual origin that we all know and love is at <0,0,0>; with a HF function,
the 'origin' is mysteriously at <0,0,1>, and the applied pattern/image
scales out from there. I've come up with simple workarounds to these particular
situations--but, along with the edge artifacts, it's apparent that HF functions
are not working correctly. I suppose, though, that re-engineering the
problematic code (whatever it is!) would cause lots of backward-compatibility
problems with previously-made scenes.


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From: Kenneth
Subject: Re: hf_tools.inc
Date: 18 Dec 2009 06:10:01
Message: <web.4b2b61d2f654043d65f302820@news.povray.org>
"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] earthlinknet> wrote:
> ...But there's also the odd fact that
> the applied pattern (or image_map) ends up being flipped upside down(?) like a
> mirror-image, AND that the 'origin point' of the pattern/image is out of
> place...

BY 'image_map,' what I meant to say was "an image_map used as [or used as part
of] the HF function"--not an image_map *texture* applied to the HF afterward
(which is applied as it should be.) Sorry if that confused anyone.


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From: stbenge
Subject: Re: hf_tools.inc
Date: 18 Dec 2009 14:35:09
Message: <4b2bd96d@news.povray.org>
Kenneth wrote:
> "Kenneth" <kdw### [at] earthlinknet> wrote:
>> ...But there's also the odd fact that
>> the applied pattern (or image_map) ends up being flipped upside down(?) like a
>> mirror-image, AND that the 'origin point' of the pattern/image is out of
>> place...
> BY 'image_map,' what I meant to say was "an image_map used as [or used as part
> of] the HF function"--not an image_map *texture* applied to the HF afterward
> (which is applied as it should be.) Sorry if that confused anyone.

It didn't confuse me, Kenneth :) It's an annoying problem, but easy 
enough to work around. It probably should be fixed, but you're right 
when saying that by doing so, many older scenes will be broken.

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