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clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 18.07.2021 um 17:24 schrieb HKarsten:
> > By the way, I fully support Leroy at this point: PovRay is an old program. I am
> > using it since 1991! And there are a lot of tools, running under DOS, Win95,
> > Win2K.
> > So what if you can run PovRay on Vista, or Win7 up to Win10 or Win11 only?
> > Do you like to run an emulator within an emulator to run your tools one day?
> The problem is that as time goes on, there comes a point where we want
> to add new features that we can't implement without breaking
> compatibility with (a) those old operatings systems and/or (b) even the
> newest build tools we can find that still target those operating systems.
> One day, the Visual Studio 2017 toolkit will no longer be supported by
> Microsoft, and some time thereafter we will no longer have access to a
> sufficiently secure build environment featuring that piece of software.
> When that happens, that'll be the day when we will definitely have to
> cease supporting XP for good.
> You just can't expect to forever have access to the latest and greatest
> new POV-Ray features on the oldest and coldest operating systems.
> So what's the solution to continue to use those old tools? Well, use a
> matching POV-Ray version, obviously. One from those olden golden days.
> That, or indeed run those tools under DOS-Box. I'm not sure how that
> emulator works, but it surely will have ways to export and import files
> from it, right?
> But the point has been taken: There are still POV-Ray users out there
> who want XP support, so we'll see what we can do.
> That's why we've asked.
I am surprised, we are not even talking about dropping windows XP or 32 bits
compatibility, right?
Note that the choice between XP-compatibility and performance is a
matter of the build tool used (Visual Studio 2010 will generate
XP-compatible binaries, while Visual Studio 2015 will generate faster
ones), so 64-bit XP-compatible binaries /can/ still be built from the
source code, as can faster 32-bit binaries.
And even if we were: So many other software have just recently made much bolder
moves with successfull results: Blender dropped 32 bits support, Python even
dropped Windows 7 support! Don't get me wrong. I don't mean POV should just do
what others do, and as a user I love being able to compile POV on as many
platforms as possible. But if it slows down the overall innovation, which in
turns prevents from attracting many potential users and developers. that's not
the safest bet, because more users would then anyway be able to port, adapt,
test (and re-iterate) the sources to more platforms, legacy included.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the POV core team contingent, does not seem so
close from being as numerous and ressourcefull of a community as these ones. So
it sounds reasonable to lower such maintenance burdens on existing developers
temporarily to allow for a later regrowth of ubiquity which is indeed POV's
strongest "selling points". If it does have to happen one day, Now is also a
better time than ever to do such very mild support drops, one at a time, before
POV 4 gets on the rails and too many breakage at once may feel hard.
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Am 19.07.2021 um 05:22 schrieb HKarsten:
> As far as I understood, you wound use new features in PovRay, that can run under
> Windows only. PovRay will run on Linux, BSD, MACOS and so forth.
(That sentence doesn't parse in my mind; for clarification: I presume
you meant "... you wouldn't use...")
That's not entirely true. We try to do this for all of the "main" source
code. However, we provide different front-ends for different run-time
All of those front-ends use _some_ features that are not covered by the
pure ISO/IEC standard C/C++ language and libraries we're currently
developing for.
> This means,
> 1) you don't need to use a programming-environment that is limited to a hand of
> operating-systems only. If you use an older programming-environment your
> application is till running on newer systems.
Technically, we need to use a programming environment that is limited to
whatever operating systems it was designed for. So limits always exist.
We prefer targeting multiple build tools, to increase support.
> 2) another option is to compile a new PovRay statically under Cygwin. Statically
> means, cygwin.dll has to be in the same folder, as PovRay's exe-file and it will
> run under XP with no cygwin-environment installed.
I'm not entirely familiar with Cygwin, but it is my understanding that
it is intended to take software that expects a Unix run-time
environment, and runs it on a Windows system.
Note that we currently provide a graphical user interface for Windows,
but none for Unix. So going for Cygwin would mean depriving the Windows
users of the UI they currently get.
> Is it than impossible to implement new features to PovRay by taking the source
> of PovRay 3.7 and the programming-environment that was compiling it for good and
> just add these features?? What could it be for you, NEED to have a new
> programming-environment for this?
Had the POV-Ray developers for all these 30 years bought into the
paradigm you are proposing there, the following would have happened:
-- SCENARIO 1 --
(1) The code would have continued to use C, not C++. Probably good old
ANSI C (aka C89), to be precise.
(2) Development would have been slower. Far slower, I reckon.
(3) Bugs would be far more common, including crashes, memory leaks, and
cases where the program would just seem to go berserk for no immediately
apparent reason.
(4) The code would be a pain to read and wrap your head around.
(5) Implementing multi-core support might not have happened.
(6) OpenEXR support might not have happened.
Here's a very short summary of a few reasons why:
* C is a very low-leve language, making it very verbose in practice,
making it very clunky. There are a lot of things that you need to do
explicitly in C that you can let the compiler handle for you
automatically in C++. This is expecially true since the introduction of
standardized smart pointers - first in boost, later in TR1, and finally
in C++11 - which have made development a lot easier.
* The verbosity also leads to a lot of room to accidently forget things
or get things wrong. If you explicitly need to take care of each and
every little detail, missing it just once may spell disaster for your
* POV-Ray does a lot of maths on non-trivial and non-standard data
types, such as 2D and 3D vectors, 3D rays (defined by an origin and a
direction), RGB colours, RGBFT colours and matrices. C operations on
such data types look clunky compared to C++. For instance, in C an
arbitrary piece of code might look something like this:
colour_add(A, B, C);
colour_mul(A, 0.5);
colour_sub(A, D);
Whereas in C++, if you do a bit of homework up front, the same code
might end up looking like this:
A = (B + C) * 0.5 + D;
* ANSI C did not provide support for multithreading out of the box. To
the contrary, several functions of the runtime libraries were inherently
unsafe for use in threads. To make use of threads, operating system
specific libraries would have to be used, both for the thread management
itself, as well as any thread-unsafe functions. And since the
implementation of those operating system libraries naturally differs,
the code would have needed to somehow work around that, trying to
abstract away the implementation details.
* As for OpenEXR, that library is written purely in C++, and requires
C++ to call. And although it would presumably have been possible to
write a C/C++ hybrid wrapper around the things we use from that library,
and POV-Ray is designed to compile without it, this would have given it
a much different feel: OpenEXR, as it is now, is an integral part of
POV-Ray, and omitting it would be considered the exception. In a C-based
POV-Ray, it might be considered more of a purely optional thing,
something you should generally not rely on being present. And it might
never have made it into POV-Ray proper for that reason.
As a matter of fact, the most recent versions of OpenEXR not only
require C++, but at least C++11.
-- SCENARIO 2 --
(1) The code would have continued to use C, not C++. To start with, it
would probably have been good old ANSI C (aka C89).
(2) The code would have slowly morphed to include newer language
features, and nobody would have noticed until someone actually tried to
compile the new code on an onld platform.
(3) Optionally, the code might have slowly morphed into C++ after all,
without anybody even realizing.
Here's a very short summary of a few reasons why:
* Developers tend to not use the oldest platforms and compilers around,
and may not be aware of what features were or were not available in the
older versions of the language.
In other words, it is difficult to develop strictly for a stable old
platform when you have new tools at your disposal.
* For some time, POV-Ray developers might have almost exclusively used
Visual Studio for their own development and testing. If my memory
doesn't deceive me, there was also a time - which might well have
coincided - when Visual Stidio technically only supported C++, not C, so
a developer wouldn't have notice they had slipped in the occasional
pieces of C++, which wouldn't compile on a strict C compiler.
-- SCENARIO 3 --
(1) POV-Ray proper would have died out at least 10 years ago, because
this is a hobbyist project and nobody enjoys working with clunky old
languages when there are so much more elegant and almost equally
performant languages out there.
(2) Optionally, some people might have started a C++ branch of POV-Ray,
breaking compatibility to enjoy the more elegant code.
-- ALSO --
No, it IS NOT possible to stick to the same build environment used for
POV-Ray v3.7.0.0. That would have been VS 2010.
I'm not entirely sure it would run on my computer.
I'm sure I currently don't have it installed.
I'm sure it would need a license to install, which I probably still own,
but might not be able to dig up. If the licensing server would even
still be available.
I'm sure it would not create binaries for target platforms later than
Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, respectively.
I'm sure there will eventually come a time when Microsoft will release a
Windows version that will exhibit compatibility issues with binaries
targeting Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, respectively. At that
time, both the build environment and binaries created with it will cease
to run on then-modern systems.
And had peolpe stuck to the build environment they had used back in the
times of POV-Ray 1.0, my guess is that they would today be in the
situation that the good old DOS compilers, while presumably still able
to run from the command prompt, might have difficulty building binaries
that run on Windows 10 at all - let alone in 64 bit mode. Or making use
of AVX. And performance may be poor compared to binaries optimized by
modern compilers.
All this is not to say that we have any intention of abandoning an
existing user base - but there are reasons why we may have no other
viable choice.
Not today.
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Am 22.07.2021 um 15:16 schrieb Mr:
> I am surprised, we are not even talking about dropping windows XP or 32 bits
> compatibility, right?
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but the POV core team contingent, does not seem so
> close from being as numerous and ressourcefull of a community as these ones. So
> it sounds reasonable to lower such maintenance burdens on existing developers
> temporarily to allow for a later regrowth of ubiquity which is indeed POV's
> strongest "selling points". If it does have to happen one day, Now is also a
> better time than ever to do such very mild support drops, one at a time, before
> POV 4 gets on the rails and too many breakage at once may feel hard.
The point is, currently there is no truly pressing need to ditch XP
support (or 32 bit, for that matter).
What we can do, for example, is to proceed as follows:
- Use VS 2019 for the binaries we distribute with the regular
installers, in hopes that it will give us the best in terms of
performance. This would make those binaries require at least Windows Vista.
- Use VS 2017 (which is the last version of Visual Studio that should be
capable of building XP-compatible binaries) for a separate set of
XP-compatible binaries, to be distributed in a separate installer.
Right now, we've encountered nothing more than a road bump trying to
compile cmedit.dll in an XP-compatible fashion.
Had the feedback to our question regarding XP been "...(crickets)...",
we might just have left it at that and not bothered to investigate any
further. Or maybe only later, after the official v3.8.0 release.
I'm sure it's not a major obstacle, just something somewhere not
entirely set up properly. Nobody has tried building the cmedit.dll since
v3.7.0.0, so it might just be something we happen to have borked in the
Even if the problem should turn out to be something larger, there are
enough other options we could try. In the worst case, there's a clear
path of having XP users deal with a minor inconvenience most probably
wouldn't even notice, or possibly mistake for a feature.
(As a side note, the v3.8.0.beta.1 has been compiled with VS 2015, due
to some other road bump encountered also with respect to cmedit.dll)
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As a side note:
Those of you running XP could do us a favor and try what happens if you
run the installer anyway.
While the NSIS docs claim that the installers we're creating with that
tool should be compatible with any 32-bit version of Windows all the way
back to Windows 95. it might be worth verifying nonetheless.
Of course the binaries won't run properly, but that's an entirely
different matter.
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clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 19.07.2021 um 05:22 schrieb HKarsten:
> We prefer targeting multiple build tools, to increase support.
I think you should consider the 'CMake' tool. It is used in more and more
projects, and with its scripting language allows the user to choose the building
process, that can be (not exhaustive):
-Compile the project with a Makefile under Windows or Linux
-Compile the project under Windows with a Visual Studio Solution.
-Other compilations solutions...
-Setup some files (else than the generated binaries) in the standard directories
of differents OSes, /usr/local/share or C:\Program Files\'project dir' for
All you need to do is to write one or several files named 'CMakeLists.txt' and
use the CMake script language. I use CMake in my games projects, it is present
in many Unix standard repositories and is of course available for Windows and is
One good point is that you must write only one 'CMakeLists.txt' file per
binary/project even if you target several OSes.
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Am 06.08.2021 um 21:04 schrieb Warren:
> I think you should consider the 'CMake' tool. It is used in more and more
> projects, and with its scripting language allows the user to choose the building
> process, that can be (not exhaustive):
> -Compile the project with a Makefile under Windows or Linux
> -Compile the project under Windows with a Visual Studio Solution.
> -Other compilations solutions...
> -Setup some files (else than the generated binaries) in the standard directories
> of differents OSes, /usr/local/share or C:\Program Files\'project dir' for
> example.
> All you need to do is to write one or several files named 'CMakeLists.txt' and
> use the CMake script language. I use CMake in my games projects, it is present
> in many Unix standard repositories and is of course available for Windows and is
> free.
> One good point is that you must write only one 'CMakeLists.txt' file per
> binary/project even if you target several OSes.
The not so good point is that we must write one `CMakeLists.txt`.
Since we're primarily developing on Windows using Visual Studio
(specifically VS 2015), that's not a thing that is directly supported by
our primary IDE.
Most notably, _each and every_ change to the set of files that make up
the POV-Ray source code (be it the addition of a new file, the removal
of an obsolete one, or the renaming or moving of a file) since the
release of POV-Ray v3.7.0.0 was done from the seat of a Visual Studio
And as things stand at the moment, VS is the _only_ place we need to
maintain _any_ such lists of files that need compiling: The current
Autotools-based process generates its own list on the fly using a fully
automatic system. (Unless you get a *NIX-specific source tarball, in
which case that step has already happened).
From what I've seen of CMake on the other hand, it seems to be
incapable(*) of such stunts, which I find extremely disappointing for a
supposedly modern build system. To have a directory sub-tree entirely
devoted to the software's source code, such that every file in there is
to be compiled, seems such a trivially common use case to me that I find
it ridiculous that a modern build system doesn't address it.
(*While there are workarounds that promise to accomplish something like
that, the CMake authors themselves explicitly state that those
workarounds don't actually... work.)
Also, I may be misunderstanding things, but I presume CMake does not
natively cater to a project that has, in some sense, completely
different applications for different target platforms, which "only"
share a common core.
All in all, I don't see CMake solving _any_ problem we might currently
have, while at the same time it would be moving any necessary day-to-day
maintenance to a place where it is less accessible to us.
Things might change if we add an official third "incarnation" (as I like
to call them) besides POV-Ray for Windows and POV-Ray for Unix, such as
a Qt-based portable GUI version of POV-Ray, a Mac-specific one, or
whatever. But until then, switching over to CMake seems to be more pain
than gain.
At any rate, CMake won't do anything to help with the original topic of
this thread, namely XP compatibility.
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clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 06.08.2021 um 21:04 schrieb Warren:
> Also, I may be misunderstanding things, but I presume CMake does not
> natively cater to a project that has, in some sense, completely
> different applications for different target platforms, which "only"
> share a common core.
You can mark out parts in a 'CMakeLists.txt' file like for example:
if( UNIX )
//Do these things only for Unix OSes
endif( UNIX )
if( WIN32 )
//Only for Windows OSes
endif( WIN32 )
And you also can make sub project like I do for the games I'm currently
developping like in this tree example: (directory based interpretation)
CMakeLists.txt in main project directory
|--'editor' sub directory that contains also a 'CMakeLists.txt' file that
generates an executable based partly on some others static libraries below, to
edit levels for the game
|--'inGame' sub directory that contains a 'CMakeLists.txt' that will build a
static library which is the game core
|--sdl2_wrapper : another static library that wraps the well known SDL2 library
so that it becomes RAII / RFID compliant ( C++ )
|--'game' generates the game excutable based on other libraries
That said I agree with you when you say CMake for now, can't generate a build
process based on a directory that may contains all the sources. But I make up
for that with a couples of commands in Ubuntu in a script shell:
#List the sources and headers of 'inGame' directory
find ../sources/inGame -type f -name "*.h" > lists/inGameHeaders.txt
find ../sources/inGame -type f -name "*.cpp" > lists/inGameSources.txt
sed 's#../sources/inGame/#\t\t#g' -i lists/inGame*.txt
The last sed command adds two tabulation chars ('\t') so that when I paste the
txt file content , I have a suitable indentation.
And as concrete example here is a simple CMakeLists.txt :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
project("game_${SQUARE_SIZE}" LANGUAGES CXX)
#This is a comment
#Other files there
#This is a comment
#Other files there
add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME}
PUBLIC sources
PUBLIC ../commonFiles/sources
PUBLIC ../generic/sources
PUBLIC ../inGame/sources
target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME}
set_target_properties( ${PROJECT_NAME}
if( UNIX )
//-----------------End of CMakeLists.txt file
If you wonder what '${SQUARE_SIZE}' stands for, this is the logical size of a
tile in my game. In fact I use a combination of bash script files and povray to
make all textures in my game according to a given size of Tiles textures (the
size is passed to every shell scripts that compute the final size of the povray
image size that renders). Only one script to run and then some hours later, all
the textures I want are created. All I have to do then is to compile the
binaries with the same tile size that I give while running 'cmake' in command
line later.
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