POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern? Server Time
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  No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern? (Message 1 to 10 of 18)  
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From: Mike the Elder
Subject: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 10 Sep 2005 07:00:00
Message: <web.4322bc6dd8dcf1a911fdaad0@news.povray.org>
Although nine days have passed since the deadline for "Minimalism" entries,
there has been no update of the IRTC site with respect to viewing entries
or a new topic. (Thanks to Norbert Kern for letting us know that the new
topic is "Opposites" and that the entries can be seen at
http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2005-08-31/) Is this unusual? Are the
IRTC folks alive and well? Any info would be appreciated.  Thank you.

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 11 Sep 2005 03:59:46
Message: <4323e3f2$1@news.povray.org>
"Mike the Elder" <zer### [at] wyanorg> schreef in bericht
> Although nine days have passed since the deadline for "Minimalism"
> there has been no update of the IRTC site with respect to viewing entries
> or a new topic. (Thanks to Norbert Kern for letting us know that the new
> topic is "Opposites" and that the entries can be seen at
> http://www.irtc.org/ftp/pub/stills/2005-08-31/) Is this unusual? Are the
> IRTC folks alive and well? Any info would be appreciated.  Thank you.

I sincerely join this appeal!!! The IRTC site should be the main entrance to
all official notices about topics and voting, or am I mistaken?

Come on, IRTC folks! Wake up!


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From: B  Gimeno
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 11 Sep 2005 06:21:52
Message: <43240540@news.povray.org>
As I remember, normally it takes 15-20 days to see the updates on irtc.org;
just the time to vote, update classification, and upload the topic page

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C(z,z) pigment{rgb 2} rotate 45 translate z*4} // www.povray.org

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 11 Sep 2005 10:10:33
Message: <43243ad9$1@news.povray.org>
"B. Gimeno" <NO_### [at] lycoses> schreef in bericht
> As I remember, normally it takes 15-20 days to see the updates on
> just the time to vote, update classification, and upload the topic page

Well, no, that is not my experience. Until now, the site update was fairly
rapid - a few days - after the close of the round, and for announcing the
new round. As far as I remember, this is the first time it really is delayed
so long. So, I stay  wondering (and waving my arms :-))


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From: St 
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 11 Sep 2005 10:29:44
Message: <43243f58@news.povray.org>
"Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlnet> wrote in message 
> "B. Gimeno" <NO_### [at] lycoses> schreef in bericht
> news:43240540@news.povray.org...
>> As I remember, normally it takes 15-20 days to see the updates on
> irtc.org;
>> just the time to vote, update classification, and upload the topic page
> Well, no, that is not my experience. Until now, the site update was fairly
> rapid - a few days - after the close of the round, and for announcing the
> new round. As far as I remember, this is the first time it really is 
> delayed
> so long. So, I stay  wondering (and waving my arms :-))

   For some reason, I'm thinking that they have a lot more images to deal 
with Thomas.

    I might be wrong though...


> Thomas

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 12 Sep 2005 03:29:02
Message: <43252e3e@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> schreef in bericht news:43243f58@news.povray.org...
>    For some reason, I'm thinking that they have a lot more images to deal
> with Thomas.
>     I might be wrong though...

Yes, there certainly is a very good reason. Let's hope for the best...


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From: Mike the Elder
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 13 Sep 2005 15:55:01
Message: <web.43272e087672507f11fdaad0@news.povray.org>
I sent a message off to the IRTC folks and got a reply from Bill Mars. (text
follows) It would seem the IRTC could use a little help and support.  I've
volunteered to help out where I can and hope others will do the same.
Bill's Message:
Hi Michael,

We're OK.  There was a problem with round with email submissions.  So, just
this week, we accepted 3 entries that had been lost.  Since, it wasn't the
artist's fault, we felt that was important.

But, also, there's just the usual issue of us being rather late in
processing the round.  We actually have a regular habit of doing this, so
I'm a little surprised by your reaction.

There is some work being done to further streamline the process and our hope
is to be able to process rounds in a more timely manner some time in the
future.  But, there's no guarantee.  More likely, we'll continue to be late

Personally, I do feel kind of bad about this, but on the other hand, I also
feel very burnt out from helping run the IRTC for many years now.  When
I've expressed this in the past, no one seemed able or willing to step up
to take my place.  So, you get what you pay for.


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From: St 
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 13 Sep 2005 16:02:07
Message: <4327303f@news.povray.org>
"Mike the Elder" <zer### [at] wyanorg> wrote in message 

  Yeah, I thought as much - thanks Mike.

   For Bill:

   Hey Bill, I'd like to help - just point me in the right direction and 
let's get this thing even better. It's worth it.



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From: Bernard Hatt
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 13 Sep 2005 16:46:34
Message: <43273AAD.4BC07D98@arkady.demon.co.uk>
I'm sure I could also spare some time to help out.

(Midnight in the IRTC timezone is 8am here (GMT/BST), so
I could run scripts at the end of round deadline (if
that's what people wanted))


"St." wrote:
> "Mike the Elder" <zer### [at] wyanorg> wrote in message
> news:web.43272e087672507f11fdaad0@news.povray.org...
>   Yeah, I thought as much - thanks Mike.
>    For Bill:
>    Hey Bill, I'd like to help - just point me in the right direction and
> let's get this thing even better. It's worth it.
>     Regs,
>    ~Steve~

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: No IRTC site activity - Cause for concern?
Date: 14 Sep 2005 03:52:23
Message: <4327d6b7@news.povray.org>
"Mike the Elder" <zer### [at] wyanorg> schreef in bericht
> =========
> Bill's Message:
> [...]
> Personally, I do feel kind of bad about this, but on the other hand, I
> feel very burnt out from helping run the IRTC for many years now.  When
> I've expressed this in the past, no one seemed able or willing to step up
> to take my place.  So, you get what you pay for.

To Bill:
I am sure that I speak for many of us when I say that we very much
appreciate your effort put into the IRTC. We may be grumbling and mumbling
once in a while, but that's just show. I can well imagine that you feel
burnt out after several years.
I am a moron in this kind of thing, and I have to upgrade to a new computer
(and a faster internet connection!) some time in the future, so I am really
afraid I don't know how I could help. But I hope some kind (and
knowledgeable) souls will stand up :-)


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