POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : "Future" results arrived. Server Time
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  "Future" results arrived. (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: JC (Exether)
Subject: "Future" results arrived.
Date: 27 Jan 2004 05:38:41
Message: <40163fb1@news.povray.org>
Hi all,

I'm glad and surprised I made it so well, thanks all.

As I thought it was missing a bit, I've made a synthetic page with all 
the ranks of all images, you can see it at : http://exether.free.fr/irtc/

There's a few data missing, like links to the comments and desc, and 
Name of the artist, but it is just to give it a try. Maybe that could be 
added to the site's page if it's judged usefull. (I might be able to 
help if needed).


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From: Bernard Hatt
Subject: Re: "Future" results arrived.
Date: 30 Jan 2004 09:01:01
Message: <401A63A2.FA0ECC5F@arkady.demon.co.uk>
"JC (Exether)" wrote:
> As I thought it was missing a bit, I've made a synthetic page with all
> the ranks of all images, you can see it at : http://exether.free.fr/irtc/

It is interesting to see the entries in ranked order, some of the
images are simply breathtaking, and while I didn't do quite as well
as I hoped, having read the (very useful) comments on things like
the colours and finishes should enable me to do better ...

Was anyone else suprised by the comparativly low number of voters
for this round ? (of course I don't know how many non-entrants
voted, so the percentage of entrants who voted will probably be

            total       total       rated       incomplete
round       entries     voters      all images  votes
2003-02-28  85          42 (49.4%)  38 (44.7%)  4 (4.7%)
2003-04-30  104         37 (35.6%)  30 (28.8%)  7 (6.7%) 
2003-06-30  68          38 (55.9%)  32 (47.1%)  6 (8.8%)
2003-08-31  103         37 (35.9%)  28 (27.2%)  9 (8.7%) 
2003-10-31  72          27 (37.5%)  25 (34.7%)  2 (2.8%)
2003-12-31  73          22 (30.1%)  18 (24.7%)  4 (5.5%) 


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From: St 
Subject: Re: "Future" results arrived.
Date: 30 Jan 2004 13:54:34
Message: <401aa86a@news.povray.org>
"Bernard Hatt" <bmh### [at] arkadydemoncouk> wrote in message

> Was anyone else suprised by the comparativly low number of voters
> for this round ? (of course I don't know how many non-entrants
> voted, so the percentage of entrants who voted will probably be
> smaller)

  Non-entrants can't vote, but -can- comment.


> Bernard

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From: Bernard Hatt
Subject: Re: "Future" results arrived.
Date: 30 Jan 2004 14:07:40
Message: <401AAB85.85F3EA30@arkady.demon.co.uk>
"St." wrote:
>   Non-entrants can't vote, but -can- comment.
>    ~Steve~

There's the "Panel Judge" category (see http://www.irtc.org/voting-rules.html
(section 2.2)), who I would assume are mainly IRTC admin's, but I don't know
how many panel judges there are and how many voted in the various rounds.


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From: St 
Subject: Re: "Future" results arrived.
Date: 30 Jan 2004 15:32:58
Message: <401abf7a@news.povray.org>
"Bernard Hatt" <bmh### [at] arkadydemoncouk> wrote in message
> "St." wrote:
> >
> >   Non-entrants can't vote, but -can- comment.

> There's the "Panel Judge" category (see
> (section 2.2)), who I would assume are mainly IRTC admin's, but I
don't know
> how many panel judges there are and how many voted in the various

   Ah, those. Yes, there's those too, but you need to know the secret
handshake to even consider thinking about *them*. Some, I believe, are
long-standing experts at the ancient art of 'Macaroni' too, and are
probably, (more than likely), very deadly in the field of CG combat
with their special techniques.

 I would say "beware!"   :oO


  ~Steve~    ;)

> Bernard

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: "Future" results arrived.
Date: 30 Jan 2004 17:26:41
Message: <401ada21$1@news.povray.org>
>    Ah, those. Yes, there's those too, but you need to know the secret
> handshake to even consider thinking about *them*. Some, I believe, are
> long-standing experts at the ancient art of 'Macaroni' too, and are
> probably, (more than likely), very deadly in the field of CG combat
> with their special techniques.

Nah, I am one of them.  All I did was apply.  Apparently I was recorded 
as being one and didn't even know it.  In those early days I was so 
lacking in web "savy" that I was afraid to submit my votes in fear that 
they would somehow get rejected and become public. And I probably 
applied not even knowing what I was doing. Then after some conversation 
on the mail-list Bill Marrs invited me to be a panel judge.  I pursued 
this idea hoping that it would free me from the pressure of throwing 
together half-baked entries just to be able to play.  I seem to be 
somewhat unusual in this respect in that I enjoy participating in the 
voting process.  In general it seems to be that there is a need to 
stimulate voting.  So I am sure your participation would be welcomed. 
At most they just have to see you posting now and again.  The 
registration process is only in place to prevent rigging the vote.

For the record, I did not participate or vote this round.  Again I think 
that the artmaking process involves both creating the art and 
appreciating it.  But often my interests alternate between the two.

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