Hello I'm new to Pov-Ray and am trying to write a broccoli fractal code however
I'm having problems with the translate function. If I understood it correctly,
translate only accepts numerical values. I tried writing a macro but that didn't
work either. How am I supposed to write a recursive function that utilizes
translate? :/ Here is my code:
#include "colors.inc"
global_settings {
ambient_light rgb <1, 1, 1>
assumed_gamma 1.0
camera {
location <0, 0, -25>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
light_source {
<-100, -100, -100>
color rgb <1, 1, 1>
#declare phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2;
#declare ang = 360 * (1 - 1/phi);
#macro trans()
translate< sqrt(i)* cos(i * ang),
sqrt(i) * sin(i * ang),
10-sqrt(pow(sqrt(i)* cos(i * ang),2) + pow(sqrt(i) * sin(i *
#macro frac(n)
#if(n > 0)
cone {
<0, 10, 0>, 10
<0, 0, 0>, 0
texture {
pigment { Green }
finish { ambient 0.2 }
#declare i = 1;
#while (i <= 100)
//#declare theta = i * ang;
//#declare r = sqrt(i);
//#declare a = r * cos(theta);
//#declare b = r * sin(theta);
scale 0.15
frac(n - 1)
#declare i = i + 1;
Thanks in advance :)
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"aysays" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hello I'm new to Pov-Ray and am trying to write a broccoli fractal code however
> I'm having problems with the translate function. If I understood it correctly,
> translate only accepts numerical values. I tried writing a macro but that didn't
> work either. How am I supposed to write a recursive function that utilizes
> translate? :/ Here is my code:
Welcome to POV! Hope you'll have as much fun as I've had.
I don't do many recursive macros. But I do see that one problem is the i loop is
in a cone so you have a n-1 cones with 100 closing }. You can't put cones in
cones that way.
The #macro trans() look alright, the i and ang variables are #declare before
it's called. That works fine. But when we write a macro we usually feed values
to it. Like #macro trans(C,A) and use C & A in the macro. It just help you keep
track of what the macro needs and makes the macro more mobile.
There is a lot more that macros can do. Read the documentation! There is a lot
to POV. I'm still learn something new once in awhile and been at it for over 30
Come to think of it, do a search for POV recursive macros and there is probable
a few complete macros you can use.
Hoped I helped in a small way.
Have Fun!
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