POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : how to compile and run .pov through console Server Time
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  how to compile and run .pov through console (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Saket
Subject: how to compile and run .pov through console
Date: 3 Oct 2013 03:20:01
Message: <web.524d19a339cd21085e3891c60@news.povray.org>
Hi all

I am using Pov-Ray in Windows plateform as (Windows8).

I need to compile and run my "test.pov" file through console (i.e. cmd). I had
gone through the documentation entitled "Command Line Options" but I didn't got
the necessary steps as :

1. To start Pov-Ray Engine from console.
2. To setup the requirement for rendering window (via .INI) from console.
3. To compile and run the ".pov" again from console application (or cmd) in

I will be greatly thankfull to you with for the kind reply.

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From: Saket
Subject: Re: how to compile and run .pov through console
Date: 3 Oct 2013 04:55:01
Message: <web.524d305d56d3f8485e3891c60@news.povray.org>
"Saket" <sak### [at] yahoocoin> wrote:
> 1. To start Pov-Ray Engine from console.
> 2. To setup the requirement for rendering window (via .INI) from console.
> 3. To compile and run the ".pov" again from console application (or cmd) in
> Windows.

I had gone through the posts similar and I got to Run my test.pov from command
line by following steps:

1. In console, go to the location of pvengine.exe as:
C:\cd ...Pov-Ray\v3.6\bin

2. use command as:
pvengine +I...path\test.pov +V +H240 +360

Now, This is opening the complete IDE of Pov-Ray, compiling my script file i.e.
test.pov and generating the rendering window accordingly in dimension specified
(+H240 +W360).

The problem is, I don't need to open the complete IDE or Rendering Window. All i
need to compile and run the script-file i.e. test.pov and generate the ouput as
texture. How I can disable the IDE.

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From: Paolo Gibellini
Subject: Re: how to compile and run .pov through console
Date: 3 Oct 2013 06:20:07
Message: <524d44d7$1@news.povray.org>
>Saket  on date 03/10/2013 10.52 wrote:
> "Saket" <sak### [at] yahoocoin> wrote:
>> 1. To start Pov-Ray Engine from console.
>> 2. To setup the requirement for rendering window (via .INI) from console.
>> 3. To compile and run the ".pov" again from console application (or cmd) in
>> Windows.
> I had gone through the posts similar and I got to Run my test.pov from command
> line by following steps:
> 1. In console, go to the location of pvengine.exe as:
> C:\cd ...Pov-Ray\v3.6\bin
> 2. use command as:
> pvengine +I...path\test.pov +V +H240 +360
> Now, This is opening the complete IDE of Pov-Ray, compiling my script file i.e.
> test.pov and generating the rendering window accordingly in dimension specified
> (+H240 +W360).
> The problem is, I don't need to open the complete IDE or Rendering Window. All i
> need to compile and run the script-file i.e. test.pov and generate the ouput as
> texture. How I can disable the IDE.
Tipically you cannot disable the GUI in the windows version.
for example.

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From: Saket
Subject: Re: how to compile and run .pov through console
Date: 4 Oct 2013 01:05:08
Message: <web.524e4b7556d3f8485e3891c60@news.povray.org>
Paolo Gibellini <p.g### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Tipically you cannot disable the GUI in the windows version.
> See
> for example.


Thanks but I had gone through the link and it's again empty ... :)

It's really tough to consider, the post is blank from all 2006 and there isn't
any development further to achieve this.

All I need to compile and run ".pov" with concern ".ini" through Visual Studio.
How I should or can proceed ? Any hint ...

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From: Dirk Höpfner
Subject: Re: how to compile and run .pov through console
Date: 5 Oct 2013 04:40:51
Message: <524fd093$1@news.povray.org>
 and the link will do.;)

> Thanks but I had gone through the link and it's again empty ... :)

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