You might try the following, I haven't tried this, but I think it should
work for you.
1. Open notepad
2. Past the following line (it is only one line, but may appear as two on
the forum, so hit delete to get rid of the extra carriage-return-line-feed
so it's all on one line):
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "c:/path-to-povray/pvengine
c:/path-to-code/cylinder1.pov -d /exit", 0, False
3. Change the forward slashes in the folder names to backslashes, as I can't
post backslashes on this forum. Don't change the forward slash before /exit
to a backslash.
3. Save as: "run-pov-silently.vbs".
4. Double click to execute.
You'll need to change c:/path-to-povray/ to where pvengine lives and also
change c:/path-to-code/ to where cylinder1.pov lives.
If the above doesn't work, you might also try running your script as a
There's a little tool that Microsoft makes to do this called SrvAny and
InstSrv, which are included in the "Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools"
and are a free download from:
To use the tool you might want to check out these sites:
Once you have it as a service, you should be able to create a batch file or
shortcut that has this as the command line:
net start POV-Service
(where POV-Service is the name of service that you created).
You could also have one to stop it:
net stop POV-Service
You might want to check out the "RunProcess" tool if your interested in
limiting the runtime of the service:
Hope this helps!
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