Here's a Microsoft weirdness for you. I had POV-Ray 3.5 installed here
under XP Pro. I uninstalled it, then installed 3.6 (apparently 3.6.1b
based on registry entries, if I'm not mistaken). 3.6 claimed it copied
my 3.5 preferences (in spite of my having uninstalled 3.5).
Now when I run POV-Ray, I get two new entries in the "new style" start
menu, one pointing at the 3.6 pvengine, one pointing at the 3.5 pvengine
that's no longer there. There are no files named anything v3.5, nor is
anything left in the registry at this point.
I'm kind of at a loss. It's not really a problem. Just kind of weird, as
I can't figure out where it could possibly be picking up the old path
from, as I've scrubbed it from the disk and the resgistry and rebooted.
Is anyone else noticing this? Any suggestions where else to look?
Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)
Sabotage? Communist conspiracy? Or just
Microsoft again? Only time will tell.
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