There appears to be a fairly serious cosmetic problem with POV-Ray under
Windows 2000. Whenever a non-Administrative user exists POV-Ray the
following error message appears:
ERegistryException: Failed to set data for 'AutoIndent'
Allowing any user to edit the contents of the registry under
SOFTWARE\POV-Ray solves the problem, but isn't acceptable in a student
computer lab.
Any hope of this one being fixed in 3.5?
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You can lock down the registry under NT4 as well, so it isn't a Win2K issue.
Actually I think I read WinME adheres to domain security policies, too, so
it might even affect WinME.
You're right, though, this should be stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER and not
"Harry Johnston" <har### [at] scmswaikatoacnz> wrote in message
> Hi,
> There appears to be a fairly serious cosmetic problem with POV-Ray under
> Windows 2000. Whenever a non-Administrative user exists POV-Ray the
> following error message appears:
> ERegistryException: Failed to set data for 'AutoIndent'
> Allowing any user to edit the contents of the registry under
> SOFTWARE\POV-Ray solves the problem, but isn't acceptable in a student
> computer lab.
> Any hope of this one being fixed in 3.5?
> Harry.
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