POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug Server Time
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  POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug (Message 9 to 18 of 18)  
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From: Barry Allyn
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 11 Feb 1999 02:03:15
Message: <01be558c$c72a67a0$ef7581ce@angus>
I decided to mimic the MS Ctrl-Y behavior (Cut line) instead of the
Wordstar/Borland behavior (delete line) simply because I modeled CodeMax
after the DevStudio editor.

Barry Allyn - CodeMax author
WinMain Software

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From: Barry Allyn
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 11 Feb 1999 02:18:46
Message: <01be558e$f15b1db0$ef7581ce@angus>
Ctrl+Delete in CodeMax is 'WordDeleteToEnd', not 'LineDelete'.  If you have
an extended selection and press Ctrl+Delete, CodeMax will extend the
selection to the end of the word (which may be on the next line) and delete
the entire selection.

If you still think you have encountered a bug, please let me know..


Barry Allyn
CodeMax author

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From: Spider
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 11 Feb 1999 18:25:14
Message: <36C3659C.1B7CD8A3@bahnhof.se>
Thanx, I didn't think it was a bug, but I didn't know what it was
either... a generally good editor, but... how do I create my own
colour-shemes ???


Barry Allyn wrote:
> Ctrl+Delete in CodeMax is 'WordDeleteToEnd', not 'LineDelete'.  If you have
> an extended selection and press Ctrl+Delete, CodeMax will extend the
> selection to the end of the word (which may be on the next line) and delete
> the entire selection.
> If you still think you have encountered a bug, please let me know..
> Thanks,
> Barry Allyn
> CodeMax author

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From: Peter Popov
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 12 Feb 1999 00:07:01
Message: <36c3b405.2556824@news.povray.org>
On 11 Feb 1999 02:03:15 -0500, "Barry Allyn" <bar### [at] winmaincom>

>I decided to mimic the MS Ctrl-Y behavior (Cut line) instead of the
>Wordstar/Borland behavior (delete line) simply because I modeled CodeMax
>after the DevStudio editor.
>Barry Allyn - CodeMax author
>WinMain Software 

Sir, I am glad I have the chance to personally congratulate you for
the wonderful editor you've made. The CodeMax editor is really neat
and has a lot of really great features, most of them I've seen in
other programs and liked a lot, but never saw all in the same place. 

As it's clear now that the ctrl-y implementation it's a matter of
taste and not a bug, I humbly request that any replies to this message
are not posted to .bugreports, just here. It was my mistake, sorry I
crossposted .

(crouching in a corner asking for mercy),


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From: Barry Allyn
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 12 Feb 1999 13:59:02
Message: <36c479f6.0@news.povray.org>
I'm not sure what you mean by color 'scheme'... ?  I assume you've seen the
'Color/Font' tab in the window properties and this is not what you are
looking for?


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From: Spider
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 12 Feb 1999 18:04:34
Message: <36C49E0E.98BD838C@bahnhof.se>
Not exactly, but say that I'd like to add some of my own most commonly
used objects, such as O_sun in a stale gray fashion in the scene, or
taht I'd like to open my <inser unsupported language here> files. How to
add/change this.

Example, how is a comment defined, can I re-define it, to use two key's,
"text comment" and "code alternative" byt the use of the codemax
definitions ?

I'm generally interested, since it is in my nature to come with theese
ideas when I get stuck in a scene. (I know, it happens a _lot_ :-)


Barry Allyn wrote:
> I'm not sure what you mean by color 'scheme'... ?  I assume you've seen the
> 'Color/Font' tab in the window properties and this is not what you are
> looking for?
> -Barry

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From: Barry Allyn
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 12 Feb 1999 22:05:22
Message: <01be56fd$e19a4110$b17581ce@angus>
The rules of the language, including comment styles, are hard-coded by the
application (i.e. POVRay).  So, to modify the comment delimiters, you are
requesting a change to POVRay, not CodeMax.  

As for the custom color schemes, you are basically requesting that CodeMax
support more classes of tokens (which are customizable by the user). 
Version 1.01 (the version in POVRay) does not support this concept.  I have
heard this request before, but it is low on my request list for the next
version (but it's on there!!)..


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From: Spider
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 12 Feb 1999 22:16:01
Message: <36C4ED27.3B7267B6@bahnhof.se>
Barry Allyn wrote:
> The rules of the language
Ok. Thanks for the information.

> but it is low on my request list for the next
> version (but it's on there!!)..

I can understand its low on the list. I'm just throwing ideas around.
As for other things of the list, there are lots of things that can
fit(reality.sys corrupted, please reset universe by running big:bang )

It's nice to get replies, I thank you for your time.


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From: Mark Wagner
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 9 Jun 1999 00:27:20
Message: <375ded28@news.povray.org>
Ken wrote in message <36BD1066.DB6DD20E@pacbell.net>...
>And some people like IBM compatible pc's while some like Mac's.
>And some people prefer Windows while others swear by UNIX.
>And some people prefer eating gourmet food while others eat dog biscuits.

My solution is to run a Mac emulator on my PC.


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From: Ken
Subject: Re: POV-Ray 3.1 for Windows editor bug
Date: 9 Jun 1999 00:37:02
Message: <375DEBF2.D7C6A9C6@pacbell.net>
Mark Wagner wrote:

> My solution is to run a Mac emulator on my PC.
> Mark

  I had a Mac emultor set up for a short while but for me it was not worth
the resources it consumed on my system compared to the small amount of
Mac programs available that are even worth running. Almost everything I have
found in Mac software I have found 10 Windows programs that would do the
same thing.

Ken Tyler


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