"Kenneth" <kdw### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> Stephen <mca### [at] aolcom> wrote:
> >
> > Try
> >
> > Output_File_Name="c:\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\My
> > Documents\\POV-Ray\\v3.6\\tests\\"
> This actually works even better; the double slashes eliminate the 'unending
> string' behavior that the single slashes produce. Using this particular syntax
> never occurred to me, though; the docs don't mention it.
Hmm, I see now that the docs do mention something very similar to this (in the
'String Literals' section), but in a different context; it wasn't enough of a
clue for me to expand on it successfully, though.
Strings are mighty strange creatures, IMO, and I'm always learning something new
about their use.
While I was trying to solve my problem, I tried this version of the code as well
(based solely on a sentence in the docs, "if you need to specify a quote mark in
a string literal you must precede it with a backslash")--I just naively added a
slash-and-double-quote at the beginning and end...
\"c:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\POV-Ray\v3.6\tests\\"
With this version, the 'unending string' appearance cropped up again; but I
proceeded with the render anyway. It did eliminate the original error message--
but the rendered image ended up in the top level of the c: directory!
I suppose there's a method to this madness, but it sure is hard to comprehend.
Like a 'black art.' :-O
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