Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> On 12-5-2013 14:16, Kenneth wrote:
> In my own povray.ini file, I write these things between quotes:
> Output_File_Name = "c:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My
> Documents\POV-Ray\v3.6\tests\"
Hey, this works!
I'm embarrassed to say that I tried this earlier...but I didn't run
an actual render to see what would happen!! :-/ The reason being, that all of
the text in my quickres file that *followed* this line then took on the
appearance of being in string notation--like one *long* string, all the way to
the end of the file. (Rather hard to describe.) So I didn't pursue it, thinking
I had made a mistake.
That behavior is rather odd, to say the least--although it doesn't affect the
operation of the code.
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