POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Another reason to hate Windows 7 : Re: Another reason to hate Windows 7 Server Time
4 Oct 2024 14:15:32 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Another reason to hate Windows 7  
From: MichaelJF
Date: 31 Jan 2013 13:40:01
Message: <web.510ab94711feb232f465fd30@news.povray.org>
clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 30.01.2013 22:13, schrieb Le_Forgeron:
> > Le 30/01/2013 20:51, Alain nous fit lire :
> >> When a Windows update need to reboot, it ask you and will wait untill
> >> you sellect "Restart now" or "Ask again in...".
> >> There have been a few times when I had that dialog open for a few days.
> >> Any way, I prefer the setting that download the updated, then ask to
> >> install them.
> >
> > YMMV, but I happened more than once to get an XP rebooted without
> > consent because it was updated and unattended long enough (coffee
> > break... oh, login again!)
> Same here.

For all I experienced: With "important" updates you have some 15 minutes to
answer the dialog otherwise the machine is shut down regardless of the
applications running. Only if you enter the update option and change this
behaviour you have a chance to save your work. It's a Windows issue since XP I
think. And it has nothing do to with the running application. Recently I had a
shutdown of this kind with a machine which is usually not connected to the net
and I was in need to use a network printer... No POV running at this time.

The issue with the missing link seems to be a browser issue (I use IE 9 so far).
The problem with the +c is of course a problem with POV and a solution would be
nice, but IMO not a severe problem.

Best regards,

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