POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : How to uninstall? : Re: How to uninstall? Server Time
15 Oct 2024 15:38:14 EDT (-0400)
  Re: How to uninstall?  
From: Mike Horvath
Date: 3 Jul 2017 22:58:17
Message: <595b0449@news.povray.org>
On 7/3/2017 10:43 PM, Mike Horvath wrote:
> On 6/28/2017 4:30 PM, clipka wrote:
>> Am 28.06.2017 um 20:50 schrieb Mike Horvath:
>>> On 6/28/2017 12:28 PM, clipka wrote:
>>>> But it doesn't make much sense to offer an "install for all users"
>>>> option if that only installs start menu shortcuts without a 
>>>> mechanism to
>>>> distribute the actual user-modifiable files to all users, as such an
>>>> option would be seriously misleading.
>>> Not informing users that they can't install POV-Ray for non-admin
>>> accounts is also seriously misleading.
>> Did anyone say you can't do /that/?
>> Just install while logged in with the non-admin account, but choose an
>> install location to which that user account has write access, e.g.
>> `%LOCALAPPDATA%/POV-Ray/v3.7`. That should do the trick.
> This is possible, but not recommended according to members of Super User:


>> While it may not be standard knowledge how to install software for a
>> non-admin user, I think it is reasonably fair to expect such knowledge
>> from anyone using a non-standard Windows installation where they're
>> deliberately depriving their user account from the possibility of
>> temporarily elevating their access privileges to admin level.
> I also asked on Super User whether it's a good idea not to use an admin 
> account for day-to-day activities:

> It seems it is somewhat a matter of opinion, but not uncommon, and 
> definitely not a bad idea.
> Mike

Also, I don't understand what /"depriving their user account from the 
possibility of temporarily elevating their access privileges to admin 
level"/ means. I don't think this is even possible in Windows.


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