On 3/18/2017 10:57 PM, Mike Horvath wrote:
> On 3/18/2017 2:49 PM, Stephen wrote:
>> On 3/18/2017 6:38 PM, Mike Horvath wrote:
>>> Neither of the following are printing the tab character. Not sure what
>>> is going on.
>>> #debug "0.000000\t0.000000\t0.000000\n"
>>> #debug "0.000000 0.000000 0.000000\n"
>>> 3.7.1-alpha.8913469+av318.msvc14.win64
>> Just a thought: Put two tab characters together in case it is tabing to
>> the next space with one.
> Putting two next to each other makes no difference.
A shot in the dark. It does eliminate one possible cause.
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