On 1/25/2017 2:12 PM, clipka wrote:
> Am 25.01.2017 um 12:38 schrieb Stephen:
>>> accidental overwriting of existing output files.
>> Would that work when using subsets of frames?
>> And thinking out loud:
>> What is the first frame?
>> Is it Frame_0, Frame_1 or the first frame actually rendered in the
>> directory with the same base name?
> "first frame" would typically be the one specified via
> `Subset_Start_Frame`/`+SFn` if present, or `Initial_Frame`/`+KFIn`
> otherwise. ("Typically" because POV-Ray does not always honor these
> settings as specified; "first frame" would be the first frame actually
> rendered in any animation sequence.)
>> Would you have a flag to switch it on and off for when we wanted to
>> overwrite files?
> Kind of. You'd have to activate this feature by inserting special
> strings in the output file name; e.g.
> `Output_File_Name=Foo{YYYY}{MM}{DD}.png`
I have more questions but I will wait until it is implemented if it is.
>> Sorry for sounding negative but I don't think this is trivial.
> Hey, that's _my_ line ;)
How much are the royalties?
And hay is for horses. ;)
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