POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Another reason to hate Windows 7 : Re: Another reason to hate Windows 7 Server Time
8 Oct 2024 05:37:42 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Another reason to hate Windows 7  
From: Chris Cason
Date: 2 Feb 2013 02:49:15
Message: <510cc4fb@news.povray.org>
On 30/01/2013 07:53, MichaelJF wrote:
> Very mysterious, first time a link to the POV-newsgroups doesn't work. It was at

The missing link in the web view of the post was a result of an issue
in the code we use to sanitize email addresses; the PHP function in
question was returning NULL upon failure rather than the original
unchanged string. I've worked around this now.

-- Chris

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