POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : More Vista problems : Re: More Vista problems Server Time
1 Nov 2024 21:23:33 EDT (-0400)
  Re: More Vista problems  
From: BobH
Date: 8 May 2009 14:43:49
Message: <4a047d65$1@news.povray.org>
Delayed response, sorry, but have you tried Run as Administrator yet?

Wish I could remember the tricks to fixing POV-Ray in Vista, I've been using 
Windows 7 (Beta and now RC) awhile now and haven't gone back to Vista 
(unless I must). Seems you have already done the right things. Not 
installing an older version of 3.6...?


"Jos leys" <jos### [at] pandorabe> wrote in message 
> I render a still image and upon completion, the system hangs.
> Message Window says "Povray finished", but the status bar says e.g. 
> "rendering
> line 470 of 600", and the program becomes unresponsive: I can only go into
> Taskmanager and halt it. The rendered image is written, and available.
> Nothing special about the scene file: it happens with all my scene files 
> every
> time..
> I have Povray installed outside of Program Files, and I have pvengine.exe 
> run in
> XP mode, with Visual Themes turned off.

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