I am trying to build a simulation with mechsim (on MegaPOV) and things seem to
be totally wrong. So I stripped lots of code trying to pin down the problem and
I ended with this:
global_settings {
mechsim {
gravity -9.81*y
method 1
step_count 10000
time_step 1/24/10000
topology {
transform {rotate x*80 translate y*1.5*3},4
(some values are random and just due to experimentation)
In this form, the box generated by MechSim_Generate_Block is deformed into a
trapezoid (!)
If I change <-.06,.02,-.98>,<.06,.14,.98> to <-.1,-.1,1>,<.1,.1,1> everything
works fine.
Also removing gravity everything works fine.
I can't get my head around it. It seems like a serious bug in the mechsim patch
but it should have been noticed before, right? Every help is appreciated!
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