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Hi all,
I'm trying to use megapov post_process in order to create a Depth image.
I already struggled to get megapov running on a simple povray scene, had to copy
inc files in the good directory and stuff.
The problem I am experimenting now is the following :
I added to my scene the code :
#version unofficial MegaPOV 1.2;
#include "pprocess.inc"
in the beginning, and then in the end :
When I run it, i get an error message :
"Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive', post_process found instead"
How do I get post_process recognize ??? Did I forget to include something ? Or
is my declaration of megapov version wrong ?
Thanks for helping,
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Error trying to use MegaPOV 1.2 post_process
Date: 29 Oct 2010 07:41:51
Message: <4ccab2ff@news.povray.org>
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El Fri, 29 Oct 2010 05:23:04 -0400, ThomasR escribió:
> post_process{PP_Depth(pdV,150)}
IIRC, that should go in the global_settings{} block...
Jaime Vives Piqueres
La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
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Thanks for the hint !
I was able to reach the next error : the compiler now recognizes the
post_process and the PP_Depth, but it stops in pprocess.inc (which I absolutely
did not modify), in the macro :
#macro _filter_depth(_f_in,_firld_start,_firld_depth)
The error message is "Parse error, expected 'operand', found vector identifier
It seems to come from "_f_in(u,v)"
I don't understand what I did wrong. Did I give wrong inputs to PP_Depth ?
I called the function this way :
completely in the end of my scene's code...
Thanks for helping
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Error trying to use MegaPOV 1.2 post_process
Date: 2 Nov 2010 10:16:26
Message: <4cd01d3a$1@news.povray.org>
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El Tue, 02 Nov 2010 06:28:33 -0400, ThomasR escribió:
> Thanks for the hint !
> I was able to reach the next error : the compiler now recognizes the
> post_process and the PP_Depth, but it stops in pprocess.inc (which I
> absolutely did not modify), in the macro :
> #macro _filter_depth(_f_in,_firld_start,_firld_depth)
> function{clip(adj_range2(_f_in(u,v),_firld_start,_firld_start
> #end
> The error message is "Parse error, expected 'operand', found vector
> identifier instead"
> It seems to come from "_f_in(u,v)"
> I don't understand what I did wrong. Did I give wrong inputs to PP_Depth
> ?
Most likely, yes...
> I called the function this way :
> global_settings{
> post_process{PP_Depth(<0,150,0>,150)}
> }
This seems a clear case of RTFM... :)
I've just looked at
and there I read "Field_Start specifies the beginning of the focal
range *IN UNITS* from the camera." ;)
Jaime Vives Piqueres
La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
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