Hi everyone,
After successfully installing the povray 3.1 with mpi patch on solaris 10
upgrade 3, I am encountering the following error on running it:
% mpirun -np 5
+L/export/home/alok/povuni/povray31/include -w640 -H480 +D
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.1g
This is an unofficial version compiled by:
Leon Verrall (leo### [at] sgicom)
The POV-Ray Team(tm) is not responsible for supporting this version.
Copyright 1999 POV-Ray Team(tm)
Initializing MPI-POVRAY
MASTER: MPI error -1076814848 from 1 in MPIMasterReceive
I am trying to debug it but no success till now. Help please!
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