POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : run pov from matlab Server Time
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  run pov from matlab (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: shimon a10
Subject: run pov from matlab
Date: 21 Feb 2006 02:50:01
Message: <web.43fac56d278d000946fef40b0@news.povray.org>
I'll be glad if you help me with:

1. i run pov files from matlab, but the curser do'nt return to matlab
   command window ,and even if it's return to matlab ,i have to close pov
   for run other file of pov from matlab.
2. i want to know how to run several files of pov from matlab, and every
   time to return to matlab.
3. after i making the scene and run pov, i want to know the value of the
   gary level of a specific pixel in the camera.
4. if it possible, i want to know how to run pov from matlab without opening
   the pov window. it could be with Povray or with MegaPOV.
5. I'll be glad to get examples of every issue.
6. lots of thank's.


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: run pov from matlab
Date: 21 Feb 2006 08:46:56
Message: <43fb19d0$1@news.povray.org>
shimon_a10 wrote:
> I'll be glad if you help me with:
> 1. i run pov files from matlab, but the curser do'nt return to matlab
>    command window ,and even if it's return to matlab ,i have to close pov
>    for run other file of pov from matlab.

You already asked this exact same question in p.advanced-users.  Please 
continue the discussion there!

	Thorsten, POV-Team

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From: shimon a10
Subject: Re: run pov from matlab
Date: 21 Feb 2006 13:40:00
Message: <web.43fb5e0268b5884746fef40b0@news.povray.org>
Thorsten Froehlich <tho### [at] trfde> wrote:
> shimon_a10 wrote:
> > I'll be glad if you help me with:
> >
> > 1. i run pov files from matlab, but the curser do'nt return to matlab
> >    command window ,and even if it's return to matlab ,i have to close pov
> >    for run other file of pov from matlab.
> You already asked this exact same question in p.advanced-users.  Please
> continue the discussion there!
>  Thorsten, POV-Team

hi to u Thorsten

1. as u see in p.advanced-users no one succeed to help me, and the last
   advise that i got from Florain is to ask here.
2. please be carfule with your ...
3. i'll be glad if u can help me.
4. bye.


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From: Thorsten Froehlich
Subject: Re: run pov from matlab
Date: 21 Feb 2006 14:03:29
Message: <43fb6401$1@news.povray.org>
shimon_a10 wrote:
> 1. as u see in p.advanced-users no one succeed to help me, and the last
>    advise that i got from Florain is to ask here.

He told you to ask about using the MegaPOV DOS version here, not to just 
repeat the original questions and then tag on even more questions, without 
ever mentioning what you have tried before. If you ask the way you did, 
people who have not followed the discussion in p.advanced-users will likely 
give you the exact same answers, and you make no progress.

But there is a different reason why essentially nobody here will easily and 
quickly help you: Your posting style follows no convention used anywhere in 
these groups, or anywhere in Usenet or web discussion forums for that 
matter. The numbering of sentences just makes your posts confusing to read 
and follow. Basically, you are setting your posts up to be ignored by most 
users in these groups, which prevents you from getting the help with POV-Ray 
that you are looking for.

You should really try to ask questions more clearly, and if you not sure how 
to do that in English, maybe ask a friend to help you. You really seem to be 
having a rather simple to solve problem, but as of yet, I am not sure 
anybody reading your messages has understood what your actual problem is 
because communication with you seems to just fail. Naturally, if nobody can 
understand your problem because your questions are not understandable, 
nobody will be able to help you.


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