POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : qtpovray v3.80.7 for Linux Server Time
17 Feb 2025 18:56:31 EST (-0500)
  qtpovray v3.80.7 for Linux (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: dick balaska
Subject: qtpovray v3.80.7 for Linux
Date: 30 Aug 2018 04:32:10
Message: <5b87ab8a$1@news.povray.org>
* Bug 18 - Add a Font chooser to select the editor font
  * Bug 16 - Install the fonts that qtpovray uses
  * Bug 17 - Update to POV-Ray 3.8.0-alpha.9811560

If you did the ubuntu/ppa install thingy, then you should automatically
pick up the new version.

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