POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Motion blur problem Server Time
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  Motion blur problem (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Motion blur problem
Date: 4 Jun 2006 13:38:01
Message: <44831a79@news.povray.org>
I can't seem to get motion blur to work on a sphere with pigment{colour rgbt 1} 
and media. Does motion blur ignor media or an object with rgbt 1? Or am I on 
the wrong track here

-Nekar Xenos-
"The truth is out there..."

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From: Windell H  Oskay
Subject: Re: Motion blur problem
Date: 5 Jun 2006 20:30:00
Message: <web.4484cbb8cc00ece959113f40@news.povray.org>
I've never had any trouble using motion blur with both that pigment and
media.  I use those settings regularly.

You are describing three things (color, media, motion blur) that together
are not working; that can be tricky to debug. You might try your scene with
each one of those three turned off (or changed), to help find the problem.

If that doesn't work, perhaps you could post a code snippet so that we might
help you look for the problem?


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From: Nekar Xenos
Subject: Re: Motion blur problem
Date: 6 Jun 2006 04:47:41
Message: <4485412d@news.povray.org>
"Windell H. Oskay" <windell(at)oskay.net> wrote in message 
> I've never had any trouble using motion blur with both that pigment and
> media.  I use those settings regularly.
> You are describing three things (color, media, motion blur) that together
> are not working; that can be tricky to debug. You might try your scene with
> each one of those three turned off (or changed), to help find the problem.
> If that doesn't work, perhaps you could post a code snippet so that we might
> help you look for the problem?

Thanks Windell.
At least now I know It's not relatedt to transparency and media so I can start 
looking elsewhere for the problem. The object I used was the galaxy I posted in 

-Nekar Xenos-
"The truth is out there..."

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