Hi folks. Hope you can help. The two boxes in this scene cast shadows onto the
usual plane when I render it with vanilla POV-Ray, but UberPOV does not cast a
shadow behind the one with the texture map.
Uber build
scenes/textures/pigments/txtrmap.pov also renders differently, which makes me
think this is more likely to be a bug than my doing something dumb, but I will
take either.
Sorry not to chase this down and submit a patch myself, but the last time I
looked at this tracer it was called DKB!
Thanks in advance. Scene follows:
camera { location <0, 5, -5> look_at 0}
plane { y, -2 texture { pigment { checker colour rgb y colour rgb z} }}
light_source { <2.5, 5.5, -3> rgb 1 }
box { -1, 1
texture { wood
texture_map {
[ 0 pigment { rgb 0.5 } ]
[ 1 pigment { rgb 1 } ]
} } }
box { 0 2 pigment {rgb x} }
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