POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Blurred reflections : Re: Blurred reflections Server Time
15 Oct 2024 09:12:32 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Blurred reflections  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 9 Feb 2018 07:35:01
Message: <5a7d9575$1@news.povray.org>
On 8-2-2018 22:44, Alain wrote:
> Le 18-02-06 à 20:10, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>> On 2/6/2018 7:22 PM, Alain wrote:
>>> Le 18-02-06 à 19:09, Mike Horvath a écrit :
>>>> How do I get blurred reflections working in UberPOV? I had it 
>>>> working a few years go, but have since forgotten how. Thanks.
>>>> Mike
>>> You only need to add roughness into the reflection block such as :
>>> reflection{0.9 metallic roughness 0.001}
>>> or
>>> reflection{1 fresnel roughness 0.001}
>>> or
>>> reflection{0.8 roughness 0.001}
>>> or
>>> reflection{0.1, 1 roughness 0.001}
>>> Normally, you also want to add specular highlights with the same 
>>> roughness amount.
>> Thanks! What do I use in the header?
>> One of my old scenes uses this:
>> #version unofficial patch 3.71;
>> #patch 0.99;
>> But I don't know if that's up-to-date.
>> Mike
> No longer needed.

Oh? I had not been aware of that. Good to know; thanks.


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