clipka wrote:
> I'm experiencing problems with MCPov's depth of field.
> I basically use the following code:
> #local CameraLocation = <80,31,-80>;
> #local CameraLookAt = <0,9,-10>;
> #local CameraDirection = CameraLookAt - CameraLocation;
> #local CameraAngle = 25;
> #local AspectRatio = image_width/image_height;
> global_settings {
> montecarlo {
> mc_dof {
> mc_focal_distance vlength(CameraDirection)
> mc_lens_radius 0.5
> }
> }
> }
> camera {
> perspective
> up y
> right -x*AspectRatio
> location CameraLocation
> look_at CameraLookAt
> angle CameraAngle
> }
> Strangely enough, the look_at point is clearly *not* in focus.
> What's wrong?
I guess nothing with your code. Coincidently I just stumbled above the
same issue where in my scene the vlength calculation for
mc_focal_distance did result in 67.77 but actually I had to use 90.5 -
as I did find out after a lot of time consuming trial and error.
So *maybe* multiplying the real focal distance by a factor of ca. 1.35
does work. But I'm currently too bored to verify this with MCPov.
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