POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : Povray 3.8.0-Beta2 on Raspberry Pi 3B with 64-bit Beta OS Server Time
22 Jan 2025 07:04:05 EST (-0500)
  Povray 3.8.0-Beta2 on Raspberry Pi 3B with 64-bit Beta OS (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: The Traveler
Subject: Povray 3.8.0-Beta2 on Raspberry Pi 3B with 64-bit Beta OS
Date: 16 Sep 2021 11:50:00
Message: <web.614367175d00371add31149be3dfee7c@news.povray.org>
Howdy folks,
For those interested in such things, I've loaded the recent "lite" version of
the 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS from here:
on a Raspberry Pi 3B. I then compiled and installed the recent Povray beta:

As I run the RPi3B "headless" and didn't need the screen graphics output, I ran
.../configure --without-x --without-libsdl It took about an hour to compile and
I had no problems. I then rendered the abyss.pov file found in Scenes/Advanced
for a test using the stock settings, no tweaks. It took 60 secs to render at

While the RPi3B won't set any speed records for rendering, it should work fine
as a "render node" in a rendering farm idea I'm tinkering with.

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