POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : [unix] 3.7-rc6 not using all cores Server Time
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  [unix] 3.7-rc6 not using all cores (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: folkert
Subject: [unix] 3.7-rc6 not using all cores
Date: 26 Jan 2013 18:35:01
Message: <web.51046786ed4336514f6cc3870@news.povray.org>

Successfully build povray 3.7-rc6.
There's one problem though: it uses only 1 core of this 4-core linux system.
Any ideas how to resolve this problem?

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: [unix] 3.7-rc6 not using all cores
Date: 27 Jan 2013 03:17:28
Message: <5104e298$1@news.povray.org>
Am 27.01.2013 00:32, schrieb folkert:
> Hi,
> Successfully build povray 3.7-rc6.
> There's one problem though: it uses only 1 core of this 4-core linux system.
> Any ideas how to resolve this problem?
> Thanks.

What happens if you explicitly use the "+wt4" option?

Aside from that, some information about your system (CPU, distro etc.) 
might help.

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