Hi all,
Any advise to compile povray using icc from Intel? I can compile with gcc
but when I try with the recent icc 10, I get a lot of errors in the link
phase. There a lot of unnkown functions, etc. I guess that I am not using
the correct libraries. I tried many parameters for ./configure but still
can not get the correct ones.
I am using Fedora 7 on a Centrino duo laptop.
Nicolas Calimet <pov### [at] freefr> wrote:
> > Any advise to compile povray using icc from Intel?>> http://pov4grasp.free.fr/articles/fastpov1/#preparing>> - NC
Sorry but I can not get the way to compile with icc.
I'am using the following parameters for ./configure:
During the compilation, I first have many warnings like the following:
.../../source/base/povmscpp.h(136): warning #858: type qualifier on return
type is meaningless
const POVMSObjectPtr operator->() const;
unix.cpp(1281): warning #411: class "<unnamed>" defines no constructor to
initialize the following:
const member "<unnamed>::value"
typedef struct { const char *label; const ShellOut value; } SHLSettings;
Finally, I start to get errors like these:
povmscpp.cpp:(.text+0x5b): undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
povmscpp.cpp:(.text+0x298): undefined reference to
I'm almost sure that something very evident is missing somewhere but I'm not
able to find it.
thanks in advance,
From: Nicolas Calimet
Subject: Re: Compiling with icc
Date: 19 Jul 2007 12:30:00
Message: <469f9188$1@news.povray.org>
> I'm almost sure that something very evident is missing somewhere but I'm not> able to find it.
Try without defining CFLAGS nor CXXFLAGS (which are not meant to
control the linker behaviour anyway).
- NC