At near completion of my present work, I dropped into broken pov-ray-3.5
installed from debian etch. Therefore, also because 3.5 seems to have
disappeared from debian, while 3.6 from there did not work in my hands, I
installed the "official" 3.6.1 as user within KDE.
It works if I issue command
$ /home/francesco/usr/bin/povray +W1024 +H768 +A +Icyclohexane.pov
while sitting in the directory where cyclohexane.pov is, obtaining in the
same dir the png file.
I was unable to set the envir variables. In /home/francesco/.bashrc I wrote:
PATH="/home/francesco/usr/bin/povray:$PATH"; export PATH
(to tell where the executable is; must be in error because "povray" was not
I also set
to tell where I intend to work (the dir "povraywork"). That must also be in
In view of my complete failure with envir var, I did not try that for
Well, I need to learn about envir variable, but for the present very
pressing instance I would be grateful for help)
francesco pietra
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> PATH="/home/francesco/usr/bin/povray:$PATH"; export PATH
> (to tell where the executable is; must be in error because "povray" was not
> understood)
That's because you need to remove the 'povray' part in your path: only
directory names should be used, e.g.
PATH=$HOME/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH
With bash you can simplify the above commands as:
export PATH=$HOME/usr/bin:$PATH
> POVRAY_DIR="home/francesco/povraywork"
> export POVRAY_DIR
> to tell where I intend to work (the dir "povraywork"). That must also be in
> error.
Indeed, POV-Ray for Unix doesn't know/use such environment variable;
there's simply nothing like what you're trying to do.
Please check the docs.
- NC
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