From Povray Linux version 3.5 in the scenes/animation/boing directory I
povray boing1.ini +Iboing1.pov [Enter]
and after a few minutes as predicted I ended up with sixty (60) .png files.
These .png files are viewable individually using ImageMagik's display
With ImageMagik's convert utility I used
convert boing*.png boing.mng [Enter]
and as predicted the file boing.mng is viewable using the animate utility
from ImageMagik.
For the past several weeks I've read, re-read and read yet again, hundreds
of man pages from various bits of software including mplayer -0.90pre5-3.1
and mencoder and ffmpeg version 0.45 and mjpegtools and mpeg2enc I've
compiled and tinkered with quite a few programs and spent what seems to be
an inordinate amount of time, like many others chasing my own tail without
any results.
This has been quite a frustrating experience for something that's supposed
to be a fun hobby. It appears that many others are just as frustrated as I
am. I would recommend any forthcoming answers be included in any relavent
FAQs. I would plead with anyone replying to this question to KEEP YOUR
Using only the stock installation of Povray 3.5 and the included demo
boing1.pov and boing1.ini files mentioned above, will produce .png files.
Using any of the command line utilities above and what is the single
command to;
1.) create a .mpg file ?
2.) Ensure the created .mpg file is actually viewable by mplayer or some
other Linux mpeg viewing utility such as gtv ?
Again, I would ask any followup replies to be simple and straightforward
without any extra added feature switches included.
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This page has an utility to convert raw tga files (the ones created for
example by povray with +ft) to raw avi, as well as simple instructions on
how to convert this raw avi to a compressed avi (eg. as divx) using
The author is a friend of mine. He uses this method regularly in order
to create divx animations with povray. (Of course you can convert to
any format supported by mencoder; I suppose that it supports mpeg as well.)
#macro N(D)#if(D>99)cylinder{M()#local D=div(D,104);M().5,2pigment{rgb M()}}
N(D)#end#end#macro M()<mod(D,13)-6mod(div(D,13)8)-3,10>#end blob{
N(11117333955)N(4254934330)N(3900569407)N(7382340)N(3358)N(970)}// - Warp -
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